Elden Ring thread #4554987891

Does anyone know where the new summonable NPCs are?

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What's the point of no return in this game?

Has anyone got technical video proof that Radahn's been nerfed/other bosses have been nerfed?

Maliketh I think? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I'd say Fire Giant is the first one, but definitely the big one is Maliketh.

Assuming a 10 is Shadow of the colossus or dark souls, a 9 is rain world, la mulana, or killer 7, how would you rate elden ring?

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Shabriri will fight Hoarah Loux with you if you got the three fingers



10 I guess.
I think it's better than 1 desu and I don't think that 1 is as good as SotC

he'd better be patched in or DLC, his ending sounds better than anyone else's.

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Time for second playthrough. Dex katanafag eventually using Melania's weapon, DEX/ARC with bleed focus, Reduvia, Rivers of Blood and blood spells, or full sorcerer?

What prevents me from using incantations on my weapon?

When you meet Ranni in her tower and Rogier dies
Might as well be over after that, my best bro died

Fuck you From for putting the bonfire right under him, I fucking hate being near this thing

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After you've beaten it once you'll probably never return to it

14 maybe, dark souls 1 isn’t that great to me, I prefer to imagine the series started with 2

is elden ring the hardest souls game?
after my playthrough I went back to some older releases like Dark Souls 1 and every boss was so trivial it was almost offensive. O&S literally felt like some cheap dungeon boss duo from ER, even way easier then some of them

I know nothing about Elderly Circles, who is this cutie and whats with her eye?

It’s the easiest, since there are so many mechanics and playstyles that easy-ify the game compared to the other titles

Nah, not really, every fromsoft boss can be cheesed in some way.

That’s zanzibart bro

If I was a programmer I would've made it blink like once every few minutes or shift slightly.

What was his ending user?

ranni the witch
you can marry her in the game

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