If you didn't beat him before today's patch you never beat him legitimately and never will

If you didn't beat him before today's patch you never beat him legitimately and never will.

Attached: elden-ring-radahn-1.jpg (1000x600, 202.14K)

If you didn't beat him before today's patch you never beat him legitimately and never will.

What did they change?

>What did they change?
Major nerf when he was already one of the easiest bosses in the game

oh shit I noticed something was off than my first playthrough, lame

But what did they nerf? His damage? Hp? Slower moveset?

But I did beat him with today's patch. The patch that buffed arcane/bleeds.

Attached: 1633511499605.webm (1080x608, 2.8M)

Beat him on old patch without summons

>that HP bar
what level?

He wasn't even hard he's a midgame boss you can summon 10 NPCs for and ride your horse around spamming rock sling and re-summon anyone who died as many times as you like.

I did beat him before today.

Attached: 1627151016150.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

lmao this is embarrassing. they either should nerf bleed and arcane or buff his hp again.

damn he seems less aggressive and hardly did any damage to you

beat him the night before lol. what does the patch even do for him

Wait I thought all they did was screw over bloodfags. Did they make rygar easier??

>no diskarmor weapon in ER
What a shame.

Would summoning players for this fight actually make it harder? Losing Torrent will pretty much make the rain of arrows and the meteor crash impossible to dodge.

>Did they make rygar easier??
Yes and they nerfed Malenia too. It's over the game has been Redditifed because people were complaining too much

>game gets patched
>can't launch game


Works on my machine :)

So the logic is, that you have to beat an easy boss, to beat the game?
Why the fuck do I keep visiting this website...


yes? if you beat him post patch you never beat him the way the devs intended. they nerfed him due to pressure from redditors whining about him being too hard

Was he really nerfed? Any other bosses too?

what makes you think FROM cares about the opinions of any western online opinion, and this wasn't brought about by 2chan?

>Was he really nerfed? Any other bosses too?
Maliketh, Malenia, Radahn and several of the weapons like Hoarfrost Stomp and the Mimic

We know, you've been saying this for almost an hour.

I actually beat him last weekend, but I did so relying on the scarlet rot breath incantation, which absolutely melts him. Did I still beat him?

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>That damage negation
>That gimped speed
>Absolute no aggression

Fuck I hated Radahn, but I fully agree. If you didnt beat him pre patch then you didnt win at all. Fuck me this is like watching a prized racehorse break its leg...