How badly did I fuck up by killing Dung Eater...

How badly did I fuck up by killing Dung Eater? I found him in the sewers and from all his dialogue it sound like he was going to kill the other NPCs or some other shit.

Attached: Elden-Ring-Dung-Eater-Sewer-Gaol-Location-640x427.jpg (640x427, 43.84K)

you missed out on a possible ending cutscene choice, that's all.
fuck dung eater

Was I not supposed to do that?

>Eating shit is bad because.....IT JUST IS OK?!

When did video games get so intolerant?

t. shit muncher

t. feces consumer

I already killed all the NPCs so I didn't give a shit but I killed him anyways for no real reason I guess I was just jealous of him.

He kills shrimp guy, fuck Dung Eater

His questline and ending is shit (literally) and doesn't make any sense at all. Killing him instantly is the correct choice


>and doesn't make any sense at all
honestly all of them feel like that.

Is this a pasta now

Oh I already killed Shrimp guy. Seemed like a dick.

His curse is to turn everyone into Omens, thus preventing the Erdtree from accepting their souls after death. Ironically, this might be a good outcome since no one really knows why the tree is harvesting souls

The tree isn't "harvesting" souls, it's a reincarnation mechanism. Queen Marika didn't like the idea of death, so she took out the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring.
Nobody died. Instead, people/souls returned to the Erdtree and were reborn anew. Ofc the mechanism broke after the Ring was shattered, hence why there's undead roaming everywhere now.
As for the Omen curse... we don't really know what it implies. Dung Eater just wants to make everyone as miserable as possible for all eternity without killing them, and for whatever reason you can aid him in that.

As usual with Fromsoft games, lore is really enigmatic and you have to piece it together, but all of the endings make sense and you can imagine why MC would choose to do so, even the Frienzied Flame, whose solution to the problem of the messed up world is hard reset by burning everything to the ground.
Dung Eater doesn't have lofty motivations like that tho. He just wants everyone to be miserable, out of spite I imagine.

t. come mierda

>t. poop enjoyer

He becomes your buddy if you buy shrimp off him

Don't I need to keep him alive to get his armor set?

wiki says you get it after killing him on the sewers too

>Regalia of Eochaid can be gotten right away
>Eleonora Poleblade can be snagged relatively quickly too
>Rivers of Blood is broken now
Any other good arcane weapons to pick up? They all seem to be DEX/ARC

T. The one man enema

Dung Eater is, objectively, evil, and wants nothing good

His ending calls you a retard for thinking redemption was possible for him

The tree decides who to reincarnate, that means some souls stay within it. And I thought I remembered most of the items relating to Omens talking about how they've lost grace and will never be accepted to into the Erdtree. I'm at work so I'll try and look for the description when I make it home if this thread stays alive

t. excrement devourer