Is it flavor of the year like sekiro or timeless classic like bloodborne?

Is it flavor of the year like sekiro or timeless classic like bloodborne?

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Timeless classic

Sekiro is a timelss classic
Bloodborne is fotm, it sold like shit, play like shit and doesn't even have a ps4 pro patch, from know it flopped and that's why they won't make any sequel or port to it. Bloodborne is also the easiest souls game, that's why it's exclusive to snoyfaggot

Sekiro is the best game from ever made you retard.

Once you remove from software bonus it's like gears of war 5 nothing less nothing more

elden ring gave me greater appreciation for all the other FROM games with how shit it was.

holly fuck based

You reek of assblasted Petition Compiler, faggot

Elden Ring is the best game From has ever made

I played Bloodborne you fucking nigger, it's overrated shit and you're mad you bought this game $470

Elden ring is a one time game that lived for and because of the hype.
As you replay it you notice its empty, dull, and boring, only worth for a bunch of screenshots but has 0 sense of anything.

Elden ring is probably the second worst souls games ever relased. it's obviously half baked.
It can't be original artisticaly nor gameplay wise, they obviously didn't knew how to re-invent some identity for elden ring, it is the tranny brother of the dark souls series, it can't decide itself, does it plays like sekiro, ds3 or bloodborne? No one knows.
It is meant to be played or cheesed? No one knows
The open world is supossed to be the fun part of the game or just empty space between content to sell and get points from journos? I actually know, the second one.

Bosses are terribly presented, boss music? Can't recall more than 2 themes.
Open world is generic ubisoft boring trash that you wanted to skip if not because of the pieces of armor scattered arround, everything is just limgrave with other grass color, no gameplay style nor interaction with the enviroment that makes the open world section worth playing.
boredom boredom and boredom, they gave you a horse to rush through it for a reason, killing all chances of having a feel of adventure, there is none, you just run across empty space.

Artistic direction is pathetic, bosses are specially annoying, unorganic, lack any kind of flow, they are just naruto megazard touhou jump anime slash laser, they are not meant to be fun, they are meant to be commercial and make streamers seethe with their rollcatch delays and no-windows in order to sell zoomers.

Reused content is even worse, they didn't even cared about changing the ligthing on catacombs from different regions, everything is the same in each area, not even reskined, straight up the same, no reason to explore, maybe there is 1 npc on a 20 hours empty barren area? Woah, revolutionary. Nah.
They even recycled sellia on the haligtree/snowfield region.
Utterly disgusting. Also, 10 erdtree avatars?, what does open world even gives? Nothing, what does it takes? time, its just a chore between the fun areas.

6/10, a pity and worse ds3

Nice copypasta

flavor of the month at best. it wont last a year being "le best game" people are fucking drones no lifers that think the next vydia will fix their empty hollow shitty aimless lives. THIS IS 100% FACTS.

You are the problem user, get your fucking REAL FUCKING LIFE TOGETHER escapism can only go so far.

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shazam troon detected

Yeah sure thing tendie, prove it

Nothing says "flavour of the month" like a game that still gets talked about and people still beg for ports of every single day 7 years later.

>when you replay the game you realize it was just a game
How insightful.

call me whatever you will but i hate trannies and Im fucking ritgh you are just the cybercuck on loop. you dont think for youself you neve did your life is so shitty you need products to make it wholesome. you will forget about returning to thing 1 month for now and jump ships to something new and shilled by marketing corrosion. Welcome to the modern wrld where you are just a fucking drone for everything that is advertised.

Imagine having nintendies living rent free in your head
Seek help snoyfaggot

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I bet you're vaccinated

There is games that you can replay several times and still get catched because of the superb atmosphere, mechanics, artistic direction, etc.
Elden ring is meh in all senses. Lived for the hype of being ds3 open world

Let me guess, you check the wiki regularly?

The open worls is a hindrance and only serves to lure the normies in


I believe you.

im twice i have to use flights, i dont give a shit about covid I did it to fly thats all. because unlike you I have a life. Video games does not make my life meaningful. its just a toy for re creative time. sometimes it has good literature on it, but Elden Ring hell no, it has nothing to offer in story. Miyazaki can go fuck himself and kill himself he has lived too long his life has no propose at this point.

Bloodborne wasn't that good

I mean it was fun but it's just the game that nobody has actually played outside playstation fans. I borrowed one and it was cool, but not mindblowing


Open world is inferior to 3D metroivania world. Facts. And this fucking game only has 3 metroidvania levels which are short.

Well you're making a lot of assumptions based off of literally nothing so I think you got some clots forming in your grey matter. Get a doctor to check that out, bro.

Bloodborne stealts 90% of its creativity to HP Lovecraft the other 10% is generic dark souls comat.