"Mass Effect 3 is le bad because......JUST BECAUSE OK?!"

>"Mass Effect 3 is le bad because......JUST BECAUSE OK?!"

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I love how nobody can ever argument why it's bad. They say stuff like "B-but the devs said decisions mattered", and uh, they do. You literally have a whole epilogue showed you what happened with the krogan, quarian, etc based on what you did.

This people don't know what a bad ending is and t hey just hate ME3 because it's trendy to do it.

Attached: kaidan.jpg (1024x640, 40.98K)

If a game has a bad ending, it doesn’t matter how good everything preceding it was. It’s all invalidated. The game is bad, period. The ending is the final destination of a work; the culmination and payoff of the entire story.

How , then, can a game with a bad ending, be good? It’s illogical.

i played 3 years after release and i genuinely can't remember a single memorable scene or moment. everything from the writing, to the gameplay, to the set pieces. it was all boring or shitty. 1 and 2 both have plenty of memorable moments people still talk about. 3 has nothing but the memes about the awful ending.

story is bad
gameplay is just bad gears of war ripoff
ending is not the only problem, cope

It's bad because the story has completely shit the bed by the mars archive, and if you don't understand why then you didn't play ME1, and as such your opinions are worthless.
I honestly thought it was leading to a double cross and was getting frustrated that Shepard never pointed out the obvious trap, but nope, turns out the writers are just too fucking stupid to even have an intern make some notes.

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>You literally have a whole epilogue showed you what happened with the krogan, quarian, etc based on what you did.
Made months after the fact.

>You literally have a whole epilogue showed you what happened with the krogan, quarian, etc based on what you did.
>he doesn't know

Attached: ME3 original endings.webm (640x360, 2.33M)

>Kai Leng
>lack of conversations
>the kid
>the forced PTSD
>the reaper minigame
>the sidelining of characters
>doing saren, but worse

Every Mass Effect game is bad.

They said that about Cyberpunk 2077 which ended up being one of the best video games of all time. Anybody claiming otherwise is a faggot sheep.

We still get a fucking literal Deus Ex Machina out of nothing that makes no sense with unexplained bullshit asspull powers that ignores everything you did up to this point and a fucking reworked slideshow is supposed to fix that?

Literal who journo slut gets fully modeled, but Tali gets an intern's lunch break stock image

You have an IQ of 80.


I know you guys don't give not one, not two and not three fucks about the story because you lonely incel fucks just played it as a dating sim for some fictional female videogame characters.

But guess what? The lore implications of destroying the fucking reapers along with all AI in the galaxy, or outright controlling them so Shepard becomes this cosmic god guarding the galaxy, or mind raping everyone with some green fart energy that makes everyone understand each other and not fight, ARE HUGE FUCKING DIFFERENCES.

You even have the option to give up and let the Reapers win. And btw, even if you didn't have choices and the ending was JUST Destroy ending it would have been fine.

You guys have no idea what a bad ending is. You want ME3 to have a bad ending? Make it so the reapers die because you throw water at them, they are fucking allergic. Or worse, pull a war of the worlds and make it so reapers die of a flu.

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>stock footage
>Buff Mchugechad
>here's a Prothean no one knew existed
>Shepard suddenly cares about a hallucination of a child dying when the final story of the game before he killed a shitload of Batarians to delay the reapers
>this abomination

that's just the tip of the iceberg

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>gay man is retarded with wrong opinions
many such cases.

>We still get a fucking literal Deus Ex Machina

Huh? Star child was literally an AI. The fucking reapers are an AI.
> Oh no, the super powerful weapon we found blueprints on comes with an AI that explains the reapers motivations. THE HORROR! IT'S LITERALLY A GOLD CHILD AHHHHH

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why are you gay?

...you got everything wrong in that.

Oh wait, it's that faggot spic attention whore at it again.
Glad I didn't waste my time replying

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you incels seriously need to get laid.

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>me3 got rid of a final boss because it was "too videogamey"
>instead we got fucking marauder shields and a verbal battle against the elusive man
yeah it was a fucking letdown.

Born this way honey, and i thank god for it every single day because there's nothing more beautiful than men.

Shepard says GAY RIGHTS!

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no, shepard says "I killed a whole fleet full of turians and all I got was this lousy ending".

That's the meat of the problem. ME3 introduces all these story elements in the beginning out of left field, and all are really disconnected from the first two games. Shepard's ptsd, the giant mcguffin gun, the giant mcguffin gun being tied to the citadel. Citadel went from-
>Oh it's ancient technology and the seat of our power
>Oh never mind it's a giant rat trap for the reapers
>Oh never mind it's actually a super anti-reaper weapon that the reapers also know about but never addressed for some reason?

why did they give her such sloppy tits? Her whole model looks like it has some weird layer of grease over it.

notice how every non-important character is modeled like absolute shit.
this chick and the gay mexican are glorified background/filler characters.

You are not exactly making a point with these posts, all you are doing is saying "no you are wrong I am right and these are some examples of extreme reasoning."
the problem with the ending being basically 3 different colors of varying length and small differences is that the endings are all the exact same in the end, shits fucked while everything is over. Only stuff you did in ME3 matter even if you carried your shep over from ME1. Having 2 people beat the game and talk about the ending both people will have the exact same ending, they killed the big bad marauder shields, pushed the button and the game ended.

Mass Effect and co. are bad because sci-fi is fucking garbage.