Balance is prioritized over fun because of the tacked on pvp mode once again

>balance is prioritized over fun because of the tacked on pvp mode once again

Attached: 1646397435857.png (1200x800, 1.06M)

Oh. Where's the fun metrics. What brought them down?

they should at least TRY to balance PvE

Attached: death rite.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

It could be worse.
Things could be nerfed for no reason in a completely singleplayer game simply because no fun is allowed, like in Darkest Dungeon

Where can I get my toot horn?



if you haven't done maliketh yet, easiest farm route is probably just the capital rampart. Run down, kill medium envoy, memory of grace to suicide

>They nerfed the Prelate's Rape Train
I knew it would happen, but it still hurts, it wasn't even good, but being a human steam engine was baller.

you can still use it as a jump attack weapon with royal knight's resolve, right?
80 str build raptor armor/talisman/etc

>slapping a status effect on it
oh yeah

Balance is fun.

The weapon itself was unchanged, but prepatch it's weapon art was glitched, and only used fp on the initial cast, allowing you to ride the hammer indefinitely so long as you held the trigger and didn't smack into anyone, thereby finishing the move. Unfortuntely, it drains fp at a phenomenal rate now, pretty much making it yet another weapon art that's more spectacle than usable.

Convergence mod but for Elden Rung when?

>holy vs undead
k I mea...
>torrent ring on the items menu
Why? Why not set it up in the pocket menu on the right side of the pause menu so you don't have to scroll through it during a fight to switch items and can just hold Y to access it outside of combat?

The buff on bombs and other throwables did make the game more fun.

What does a doot horn build look like and I assume this shit does not work against half the monsters in the game right

Every weapon and piece of equipment you find in elden ring is underwhelming +1% damage 0.5% chance of poison+ice affinity because of this retardedness. Fuck, you're better off playing the whole game with your upgraded starting weapon.
Get a pc and play an actual competitive game.

What's with the anti invader brigade?
Hosts and phantoms spamming cheesey broken shit, pointing down when they kill you
What made these dudes so butthurt?

That one works only well against big enemies. Thankfully there are 2 more dooters with more focused attacks for other enemies. The biggest one shoots a big AOE explosion bubble that knocks people down and the smaller one is just a slow seeker bubble that I have seen silly shit with like 1200 damage a bubble for 6fp.

there's 3 dooters? i think i've got 2

I did.

Attached: A.webm (1920x1080, 1.53M)

20,000 HP, can one shot you, minor enemy
Everything useful nerfed soon
Have fun roll, roll, hit for 150, roll
Keep posting everything that is useful to the player so it can get removed too
Playstyle enforcers are like the fun inquisition
You play how I play or you didn't play
Also here's all the fun I had that you won't get to

Seems like barrier doesnt negate the damage from the explosion, better to just use the two explosion tears for extra damage and a shield talisman for less damage when full HP

Wholesome but I feel the anger of their whole from software game playing career pent up and splooged all over normal invaders

The biggest one you can only get from the huge fuckers at the haligtree canopy. There is also the envoy crown +doot damage head piece nearby.
The other 2 can be grabbed when entering leyndell from the team on the ramparts.

The barrier is to prevent a followup gank from killing me if the bomb doesn't secure the kill.

playing the game with the doot horn just takes all the challenge out of it, would not advise
you don't even get to see boss movesets

Attached: DOOT DOOT.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

That sounds like fun when literally zero enemies are enjoyable to fight

have you tried the big doot? i never have a faith build ut id like to see the big bubble

>literally zero enemies are enjoyable to fight
they all are, you're just not a real gamer. nothing wrong with that, just stick to things more your speed instead of following the latest trend.

Rise up gamers

You are strong when you are level 150 with a +25 weapon
>Mommy fix the game enjoyers


how are Strength/Faith builds after this patch?