Why is everyone circle jerking over *Ranni when Malenia is the most beautiful, powerful...

Why is everyone circle jerking over *Ranni when Malenia is the most beautiful, powerful, challenging From character ever created?

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Ranni won't rot your dick off

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>no feet

I think her armor is sick but Millicent is a Malenia who kept her humanity until the end

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Exactly. R*nni is a fucking wood, waht do you evne get from that, wooden pussy? Imagine a splinter going inside your dick or scraping the insides, it would fucking scalp you.

>can get stunlocked to death
>most powerful challenging fromsoft boss ever
kek, she might as well be an npc invader.

thats literally a man

>most beautiful
>not blaidd

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fridge body

She wants to fuck her brother, but was so incompetent she let him get kidnapped and raped by a bloody faggot

So does RoB melt her?

Disgusting diseased egotistical cunt. No thanks.

>Millie decided to die normally to fuck over the rot cultists but also so Malenia could get her rational mind back
Millicent is truly the best girl

I hate that bloody faggot. Phase 1 is fine. Phase 2 would be fine IF HE DIDNT SPEW AIDS ALL OVER THE FLOOR WITH EVERY FUCKING ATTACK.
The fuck am I supposed to do about this shit?

I summoned, don’t even care.

Because she's an useless cheater that couldn't even protect her shota. Radahn deserved better.

Idk user. I cheesed him with moonveil.
Got pretty tired of getting staggered by the fire/bleed on the floor and then wombo combo’d at the worst moment.

Yiff in hell. Reminder that Ranni won't mind that I killed him.

>invades you for no fucking reason
I still don't understand why they did it
She gives you nothing and it feels out of character

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Mohg only got Miquella because she was stuck in her flower bud to recover from nuking Radahn, you can guarantee if malenia was awake she would curb stomp Mohg

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And why didn't she look for him again? I betthe dumb bitch hasn't realized that Miquella isn't there anymore and is waiting for him toe come out.

Shut up, Miquella

Cut content. There was going to be a quest where you help her find Miquella or they were implied to be reunited when you fight, but Miyazaki left her to rot