Comfy Elden Ring bread

patch 1.0.3 edition. Have you found anything new?

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Heh. Nothing personnel, kid.

Did they not nerf moonveil? I’m surprised.

stagger nerfed on it. weaker vs bosses, but not by much. its not even as broken as occult uchis with seppuku and now river of blood. arcane/dex is retarded. you kill anything that can bleed in like 10 seconds flat.

I’m a bit confused. People are claiming it’s nerfed but in my extremely limited testing last night, if it is it’s only slightly. I think maybe it does slightly less Poise damage so it won’t stun bosses in 2-3 hits but the damage still seems pretty good. Its speed was always one of its biggest draws and it’s not like it doesn’t hit for good damage still, so still quite usable.

Sword of Night and Flame seems to have gotten nerfed a ridiculous amount though.

Yeah, this The weapon honestly wasn’t that broken before, at least for PvE, it was just a little overtuned for Poise damage. They seem to have found a good balance with it, rather than making it utterly unusable like SoNaF.

SNF is still fine for pve. You will have summon to distract, so range doesnt matter. Dmg is only like 20%. it did retarded dmg for no practically no mana cost. will still kill bosses and carry you through game if you want to use it. we're tlaking like 1 more hit to kill a boss now.

Pots are pretty strong, but annoying to get buffed up to do the dmg. Can do 3k with oil + fire pot to cleanrot knight outside prayer room in haligtree.

i just died to this enemy lol

>buffed several sorceries
>didn't nerf any of the ones that need to be nerfed
>didn't even buff any faith/arc spells that clearly need it
>didn't even nerf several dragon spells that clearly need it
>didn't even nerf status effects
let me know when the next patch is up, maybe then i will go back to playing this garbage

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at the rate they're going three weeks

After Volcano Manor Patches shows up in that swamp castle and gives you an item to give to Tannith. Sadly I already killed her to get her crucible knight's spell...

just use both lawl

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So the +25 upgrade wasn’t actually bugged, it was literally every other upgrade before it. Now everything does slightly less damage. Did they not want people to use regular weapons? Somber shit didn’t get fucked at all

They fixed the bug where you don't get Rennala's great rune and remembrance. I opened the game and it was finally awarded

The merchant near Leyndell sells a note that tells you how to enter the real sewer. I don't think it was there before. Found Patches outside Elemer's room, but that didn't go anywhere.
More importantly, when do I stop leveling, anons?

I gave her the item, but she said she doesn't want it. Patches is gone now and I'm not sure if I feel like combing through the whole world for him again.

Only a PVE nerf since stance breaking isn't a thing online. It still does the same damage and is the same speed. So expect Moonveil users to double since all the other scrub weapon arts have been nerfed to the ground.

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>You can now mark npcs on map and cut quests have more phases back
Aaaaaaa i dont want to start again.

I just went back to stormveil and Nepheli is the lady of that place now, I'm just figuring out what triggers the next step of the quest because like all FromSoft quests, it will end in an edgy way

Oh, and I'm trying to find Patches, I heard there's more about him now after volcano manor

This, why the fuck do special weapons do so much more damage than regular weapons now? You already get a shitton of somber stones so upgrading special weapons is a lot easier, but they also completely overshadow normal weapons in terms of damage. I'm assuming that it's because you can't change weapon arts on special weapons, but they just nerfed two of the best weapon arts in the game to the ground. So what the fuck is the point of normal weapons anymore other than bloodhound step.