Y'all're devving rn, right Any Forumsros?

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Working on it

Attached: apu_cook.png (900x843, 35.77K)

not anymore
kinda gave up on it

>Y'all're devving rn, right Any Forumsros?

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Finishing up redoing my webdev portfolio, but after that I'm starting up a new project.

Someone redpill me on godot. Worth switching over from Unity?

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I recently started work on an Athletics Manager game.
Working on a scoring system

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Does Doom modding count? I've just been starting to get into that. Other than that, no devving, but I do draw for future devving.

What are you building it on?

been brainstorming ideas while high. Got a pretty good concept drawn out just need to actually start putting it into motion

Attached: draft.jpg (533x481, 30.97K)


Trying to make the display code not be ASS and trying to think of a way to employ the dreaded 'half-step'.

Here's some more stuff I've been working on as I'm trying to implement an inventory system.

Attached: Sign her up for the Knicks.png (960x720, 10.68K)

I'm having trouble understanding how skyboxes work. I've drawn a line in a cubemap across all the horizontal "squares", then used a tool to convert the cubemap into an equirectangular image, then imported it into the engine.
I thought it would create a spherical image but I got this instead, it looks like I am inside a gigantic cube and I don't want that. Any idea?

Attached: skybox.png (944x597, 44.42K)

Programmer's internet is out so he can't push the leaderboards. This sucks, man.

Anyone doing Lundum Dare 50?

>gamedev scene is filled with trannies, browns and other undesirable people
how the fuck do you manage?

Working on the sprites for my game in blender.

Tried to upgrade my PC but some IDIOT LOSER tried to scam me by putting a different, vastly cheaper CPU into the box of the one I ordered.


I'm in a serious funk because I'm afraid of losing those closest to me.

i make them from 3d models and alpha channel

Any of you following or benefitted from any specific tutorials for Unity/c#? I'm looking to start somewhere but not sure where to start. I do have previous programming experience in web development, so the advice of learning basic primitive data structures doesn't really help.

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i'm woking on the ending cutscene. these are some death animations i was testing

Attached: coldsteel.webm (1280x720, 234.64K)

reminds me of TWD

I did a huge refactor on how battleship AI processes and handles things like targeting, turrets, etc. Mostly because I need a battleship to attack the player during a space train robbery quest.

Attached: UnderspaceCapshipCombatNA.webm (1600x900, 2.27M)

I have too much work and I'm tired.

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I'm at work rn shit posting on different boards, but yeah I'm working on writing a grand strategy game rn for fun. The scope isn't as big as it sounds, right now I'm focusing on world generation. I'm doing hexagon tiles, but I've gotten really frustrated with elevation based perlin noise worlds so I'm experimenting with different parameters like moisture, wind, temperature, and clouds for more accurate biomes. Not done yet, but God damn I love freeform programming