I didn’t buy into the hype and I’m still disappointed. Sekiro 2 when?

I didn’t buy into the hype and I’m still disappointed. Sekiro 2 when?

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Go back shazamtroon

never, every game will now be open world

>Elden Ring will finally kill video games
holy based

>sekiro 2 when?
Probably never because of how well ER sold. It’s a shame we won’t get kino like sekiro again.

Sekiro was good but ER is easily From’s best game so far. Enjoy it, stop being a contrarian cool kid.

Its unironically the worst From game ever made

out of all the souls games it is most definitely the worst

Elden ring is probably the worst souls games ever relased. it's obviously half baked.
It can't be original artisticaly nor gameplay wise, they obviously didn't knew how to re-invent some identity for elden ring, it is the tranny brother of the dark souls series, it can't decide itself, does it plays like sekiro, ds3 or bloodborne? No one knows.
It is meant to be played or cheesed? No one knows
The open world is supossed to be the fun part of the game or just empty space between content to sell and get points from journos? I actually know, the second one.

Bosses are terribly presented, boss music? Can't recall a single theme, btw they also reused that, loretta, a big boss, doesn't even has her own soundtrack.
Open world is generic ubisoft boring trash that you wanted to skip if not because of the pieces of armor scattered arround, everything is just limgrave with other grass color, no gameplay style nor interaction with the enviroment that makes the open world section worth playing.
boredom boredom and boredom, they gave you a horse to rush through it for a reason, killing all chances of having a feel of adventure, there is none, you just run across empty space.

Artistic direction is pathetic, bosses are specially annoying, unorganic, lack any kind of flow, they are just naruto megazard touhou jump anime slash laser, they are not meant to be fun, they are meant to be commercial and make streamers seethe with their rollcatch delays and no-windows in order to sell zoomers.

Reused content is even worse, they didn't even cared about changing the ligthing on catacombs from different regions, everything is the same in each area, not even reskined, straight up the same, no reason to explore, maybe there is 1 npc on a 20 hours empty barren area? Woah, revolutionary. Nah.
They even recycled sellia on the haligtree/snowfield region.
Utterly disgusting. Also, 10 erdtree avatars?, what does open world even gives? Nothing, what does it takes? time

6/10, ds3 kinda worse

It’s fucking shit. The open world is shit, the enemy variety is shit and the bosses are no where near what they did in sekiro/bb/ds3.

>ER is easily From’s best game so far

the open world meme is good for allowing players to rush their intended items for a build once they know where to go to, and to give players the choice in how to proceed with only 2 of the 4 first shardbearers being required to progress. have your (you) though, Rennala and Radagon's themes were excellent

Yes, it’s too much like Dark Souls 2 right off the bat. You can tell it’s 2 immediately when you start the game. I mean holy shit, everything about this game feels like 2. Including the jumping and jump attacks. One of the things I don’t like about 2 is the enemies all feel like weak copy pasted generic enemies. In 3, FROM made sure to make each enemy feel like what it actually is. If an enemy is heavily armored, then he behaves like it. Right away you have these enemies like in 2, the pirates, that look tough but actually isn’t, look armored, but actually isn’t. They feed you a stronger one in the tutorial at the end of it but by then you are so desensitized to the fake enemy design that you are already remembering why 3 was better than 2. But sekiro 2? Nah.

It’s like how in StarCraft the Terran marines don’t feel like they are actually heavily armored for sake of the gameplay of the RTS to work. Only in the cinematics do they actually put in more details, like this marine has a bazooka. Or this marine actually has a melee battle with a zergling and cuts him to pieces, and then has a cool battle with a hydra like afterwards, and it actually launches some large spines into his arm plate, but it doesn’t kill him.

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This game would be better in instead of empty barren open world areas they went for the more designed and dense yet smaller areas with significance, you know, they almost did it with the subareas that had some subtle atmosphere, like dragonbarrow and sellia/Aeonia in caelid.
They should've locked the areas behind some miniquest to force you doing a conscious effort in order to get to them, not a linear one, just a self contained miniquest or dungeon, give them a bunch of significant content (unique dungeons with unique designs, not random copypasted tombs and caves) and at least one npc per region, diferent mobs and some expected gampleay style, something making you to walk trough the area out of curiosity and not just rush it on horse like the rest of areas because you already know is ubisoft empty space, i don't get any feel of adventure because regions are not presented, you just run across them randomly and within then you just rush from copypasted content spot to copypasted content spot, what I'll find next... Is it 3 bats guarding a corpse with a golden rune [2], or 2 bats? Or maybe it's a golden rune [1]? Or WHAT IF... it's actually a smithing stone? NoNo, wait... maybe it is... A MUSHROOM UUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH I just can't wait! I'm going on a crazy adventure!

It's the worst fromtrannie

It's certainly up there but it's not their best. Maybe the inevitable DLC will push it over the edge

>elden ring is somehow worse than dark souls 2
No way


Disgusting discord troons. You lost

I said game

I didn't buy into the hype and I'm really enjoying myself.



Why would you want a sequel to a finished game?

Stop this pity sametrooning

sekiro2 will be an open world mmorpg with the trinity an no pvp.

> This game would be better in instead of empty barren open world areas they went for the more designed and dense yet smaller areas with significance, you know, they almost did it with the subareas that had some subtle atmosphere,
Bro, I couldn’t read the rest of your post because the first part is so strong that no one can contain the reaction to it. Yes, Revelant World Design is much better tasting than Irrelevant huge areas with nothing. Like when you walk down the wooden stairs from the start and there is areas to jump around but nothing cool is there.

Anyone miss when warps (and dimensional plane warps) used to be built directly into the world? Remember this screen?

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>hmm, what are these areas I can’t open, but actually opens up new parts of the game?

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