How do we fix magic in ER?

How do we fix magic in ER?

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Doing that isn't fun.
Moonlight Greatsword is based, as always.
I don't even use spells, I just use the weapon art and then hurl projectiles via heavy attacks

>Doing that isn't fun
I haven't played Elden Ring yet but this looks fun as fuck to me. Intentionally breaking a game using whatever methods are available to you and dabbing all over the creator's intentions/vision is always fun.

It's way more fun than STR fren

>Doing that isn't fun.
Says you faggot. I don't give a shit about whatever difficulty the game is supposed to have, if they let me be spell casting God then I'm going to be a fucking God.

Do nothing about it, bitches cry about no easy mode enough as it is.

By making the enemy AI actually react to being hit by the kamehameha wave and either rush to attack the source or jump out of its way instead of walking around confused while striking thin air.

What's there to fix though? You can't do that when playing alone.

It's fun as in breaking the game fun, not in playing and beating the game fun. That said when you face the tree spirit for the umpteenth time you kind of want to bust the instakill button just to get it over with.

To do this you need:
>Something to distract the boss
>Find the Azur comet sorcery, hidden in a optional area of the map
>Find the flask ingredient that makes FP consumption 0 for a few seconds, also hidden away
>Find the magic field sorcery
>Invest on a whole bunch of INT

Its something people only do if they look up online on how to do it, or are already experienced in the game enough to find it on their own, its not a tactic people really stumble upon.

>No Skill on the left

Frankly the game is better balanced because of this. Re-used bosses as mobs in endgame levels makes those areas a slog to explore, which is why you have shit like comet azur. Or maybe its bugged like with most end-game scaling weapons and sorceries/incantations.

It's fun on your second run plowing though all the bosses that caused you suffering

Doubt it works against the Erdtree worm, it moves around too much

I got about 70 hrs in with an int/dex build and got bored kiting enemies and then spamming projectile magic, so I just started a new melee character to larp as Uhtred of Bebanburg and im having way more fun. I get the appeal of both but its more engaging to play melee so far.

i stumbled on it naturally. didnt even realize at first that if you held it that it shot the beam. Eventually did but by that point considered it to be too much of an FP drain to be really anything other than a gimmick - until i also was reading over my flask things and saw the unlimited FP thing. Didnt even realize about the magic boost crest or the magic boost flask tear until i was more or less at the last boss anyways.

The biggest issue with the "tactic" is that it is incredibly situational and theres no magic free aim. You're forced to lock-on, meaning if it moves at all you're pretty much fucked. There are a few bosses it works well on, mainly dragons or the lord of blood as they will stand still and roar or just slowly walk up to you for the first 10 seconds of the fight, but its largely useless on most bosses.

On like one or two occasions it felt pretty good to do (mainly if the boss had been wrecking your shit for the last 3hrs), but usually I didnt bother with it because it just kinda defeated the point. Honestly Aldun's Moonblade is a much more powerful/useful sorcery that isnt nearly as niche as comet azure. I think one of the only times it felt great to use was on hora loux because i was out all my flasks, broleg was about to die and was giving me one final tank, and he had like 1/4hp left and i found a window just long enough for me to pop it off - didnt even have unlimited mana at that point or time to use the seal. Shit was pretty kino for a caster finish. Game is rough as shit when you make it to the final boss with only 900hp and pretty much have to no-hit most bosses.

make more midrange spells good. right now it's just pebble/rock sling until the early game, then midgame those spells suck ass so you farm and respec for the laser and use that for the rest of the game.

that disappointed the hell out of me. Picked up a ton of spells (i ended up using shard instead of pebble or whatever the medium one was) because you very quickly feel the dps:fp:casttime is better on the "weaker" ones than anything else. Glintblade and the assassin shard or whatever its called + pebble/shard are really all you need to get you through early game. the blade one and assassin ones are mainly just useful for getting around shielded enemies.

The game throws a ton of cool looking/sounding spells at you but unless you're only a utility caster theres almost never a good reason to use them.

The other huge issue that needs to be fixed is magic range. Enemy casts will chase you down for like 6 miles while your spells will barely travel 15ft.

If magic wasn't capable of doing stuff like this then what would be the point of investing in it?

ancient death rancor is the best omni-range spell in the game
>dude what if pursuers stunlocked everything it touched once
pretty much rapes any low poise enemy

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i wish the fucking death staff wasn't locked behind an endgame area so i could do cool necromancer stuff early. i know you can cast those spells with any staff but it's just not the same.