What the fuck happened?

What the fuck happened?

Attached: adi shankar did it again.png (590x705, 418.25K)

Chasing the trend of mcu. Absolutely soulless easy cash grabbing shit

Hopefully it's canceled

First season’s episodes are already done with writing

Hopefully the building burns down

I hope so, too.


Adi Shankar aside, a DMC/Castlevania crossover sounds rad as hell.

Vergil will be made a bissexual

Not with shitflix involved.

Netflixvania was bad because of Warren Ellis' hardcore fedoratipping. He's not involved in this one so there's a chance.

Attached: file.png (800x450, 506.44K)

featuring dante from the Devil May Cry™ series

dante's gay sex scene already in production

>introduce dante to sex
>it's gay sex

I'll fucking firebomb netflix.
FBI this is an active threat.

Is it going to be on PC, or console only?

This is the producer.
Don't get your hopes up.

Attached: Adi-Shankar.jpg (480x300, 26.6K)

So it's a TV show?
Who fucking cares?

>dude multiverses!
>you see the character you recognise and then you clap!
media for retards

Do they not know..?

Attached: MV5BMzg1MmUxNzUtZmM1YS00ODk1LTg1MTUtZjk4NGRmYzBkMzRkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI0MzA4NTgw._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1500, 195.36K)

is this the one they found on osama bin laden's hard drive?
