Any other universes where magic users are(rightfully) kept under extremely close supervision and control?

Any other universes where magic users are(rightfully) kept under extremely close supervision and control?

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magic is cool yo


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But in Dragon Age the templars are constantly vilified to the point even the writers said Anders wasn't wrong in killing hundreds of innocents by blowing up a chantry and in DA:I no matter what you do or pick mages always end up free and create their own hogwarts.

>magic is cool yo
yeah it's all "cool" and all. Until a spergy magic user wipes out an entire village because a girl spurned his affections.

>But in Dragon Age the templars are constantly vilified to the point even the writers said Anders wasn't wrong in killing hundreds of innocents by blowing up a chantry and in DA:I no matter what you do or pick mages always end up free and create their own hogwarts.
I don't remember them being villified in DA:O but my memory is far from perfect.

I don't consider 2 or Inquisition as canon.


Any games where I can go full witch hunter?

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The Witcher 2 had a lot of characters that hated magicians and wanted to ban them in the route i took

Dragon Age is written by Canadian SJW's (which is why you should avoid it) using that fictional conflict to self-insert as oppressed magical trannies.
Shit series.

what game

>Until some lordling and his daddies army wipes out an entire village because a girl spurned his affections.
kill all humans

>some lordling and his daddies army wipes out an entire village because a girl spurned his affections
yeah I'm sure all those peasant ladies were repulsed when a rich and powerful lord looked at them with interest. Odds are they were tripping over themselves to get into the bed of the local lord.

It was after Origins where everything went south. 2 the Chantry decided setting up a Circle inside what used to be the Tevinter Imperiums central slave trade hub filled to brim with all the suffering of said slaves was a good idea. They even went so far as to make the mage's main quarters litteraly the former slave holding areas. Not to mention its widely know what such concentrated emotions, pain and death can do to the Veil that keeps demons from hoping it but they did it anyway.
For bonus points it turns out the entire city was a magic rune being filled by blood magic and the suffering of slaves specifically to weaken the Veil in the area.

Anders and the mages were partially right in denouncing the mistreatment of mages at the hands of the Templar in Kirkwall. What they weren't right about was giving in to the call of demons letting the Templars use it as an excuse to squeeze harder. Then again the tainted lyrium is when even the leader who was stern and hard but could be made to see reason went off the deep end due to its influence.

In Dragonlance (before they fucked it all up with the Fifth Age shit) you had to swear to join an order of wizardry after completing training, if you refused you were hunted down and either convinced or coerced into joining or straight up killed.

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I like the theory that the Maesters in GoT are tried to snuff out magic and that they were the reason dragons died in the first place.

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THE quintessential power-hungry voluntarily-celibate Any Forums arch magus.

>stacy doesnt want to have sex with out
>wipe her out, wipe her family out, wipe her friends out, wipe her entire city out
How is this a bad thing?

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Baldur's Gate 2. Kinda.

>How is this a bad thing?
Because you wipe out your family too. It's not like magic can be easily controlled.

Thats acceptable. Its about sending a message.

>Cast harmless haste in some backwater alley
>Entire hooded wizards swat team comes to fuck you up
>Pay 5000 gold coins to some bureaucrat.
>now you can spam fireballs in the middle of city

>Thats acceptable. Its about sending a message.
To who? Nobody is going to be left live. You might take out the village next to yours as well. And the village next to that. Depends on the magic.

We didn't listen and now it's too late

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Warhammer Fantasy

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So then Stacy better climb my dick, or i might sperg out.