Video games should be for more than middle class, white, bored-and-boring teenyboppers

Video games should be for more than middle class, white, bored-and-boring teenyboppers.

Hear me out. I'm middle-aged and I have a challenging life. On top of having multiple disabilities, chronic pain, and visual impairment, I am a community organizer with a highly-stressful life where I am constantly forced to fight people and organizations which are bigger, richer, more powerful, and much better armed than I am -- and I do so out of my own pocket, which leaves me in destitution.

When I play video games, I do so to escape from the constant grinding challenges in my life. I am looking for escapism, a way to release my imagination into a world where I'm not always having to juggle court appearances with picket lines and open confrontations with riot police. Yet when I try to find a game I will enjoy, nearly everything I find is some kind of Souls-like or rapid-twitch FPS which relies on youthful reflexes and countless hours of grind -- and when I try to post on gaming forums and YouTube channels I get a chorus of Zoomers shrieking "GIT GUD" at me from the comfort of their mommies' and daddies' suburban split-levels.

I know it's probably pointless posting this in a place crowded with exactly the same kind of "GIT GUD" middle schoolers, but I wanted to at least make the attempt to explain why some of us don't need more infuriating challenge in our lives; we're already dealing with all we can handle.

Attached: angry-kids.jpg (800x555, 421.47K)

How about some Brain Training, old man? Maybe try Picross?

>stock image
>wall of text

>Hear me out

See, this is what I mean. I don't need to "git gud" at memorizing movesets like some kind of chicken pecking for food rewards. My life already has all the challenge I need. Video games don't NEED to be about making the lives of overprivileged Zoomers less boring.

No they shouldn't

OK Zoomer.

Attached: OKZoomer.png (1177x662, 44.34K)

Dumb old man.

Go cry about your mid life crisis somewhere else.

Most games are piss easy
Fuck off casual scum

>I have a challenging life
No, you don't.

Do you have any conception of how pathetic you sound boasting about how you're able to mindlessly memorize a stock set of hand movements to make pretty lights go BRRRR on your screen?

Yeah, I only have a Wikipedia page about me and have given hundreds of media interviews. What do I know about the tough life you kids have getting clout with your high scores?

I'm an oldfag too and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Your life would unironically be better if you spent your free time challenging yourself because it would give you something to be proud of.

>On top of having multiple disabilities
Stopped reading, no-one but you cares

There are thousands of games out there for you, you don't need to make the games that aren't for you not exist.
And you know that, you're just being an ass for no reason.

Yeah, what was I thinking, gaming fora are totally not toxic playgrounds for thoughtless, sociopathic middle schoolers.

Do you have any conception of how pathetic you sound boasting about your shitty poorfag life? Just rope.

Then why is it when I mention on a forum that I, for example, turn off infection and turn on multi-hit in Project Zomboid, I get a Greek chorus of teenyboppers squeaking "GIT GUD" at me and trying to gatekeep my single-player sandbox experience?

there's millions of fucking games, stop playing the wrong ones

The bigger question in that case is; why the FUCK do you care about how someone else views how you play your games? The answer is that you are an attention-whore, much rather interested in getting back-pats than actual escapism.

Play your game how you want but stop posting about it.

Just play games that don't have a high level of challenge, most still have an easy mode. They may not be as popular as the challenging games but they still exist. And why should the creators of challenging games have to change their creation to fit your specific needs? This isn't like demanding that government buildings are accessible to wheelchair users, which is fair, this is like demanding that the radio stops playing certain genres of music because you personally don't like them. Just stop listening to that station. Play a different game.

Why do you feel the need to mention it everywhere you go looking for validation in communities filled with these so called "teenyboppers"?
if you actually just fucking played the game, nobody would give a fuck but instead suddenly you need to broadcast it worldwide
not like it matters because this thread is illegitimate

They can't gatekeep how you choose to play a game, they can't stop you, all they can do is share their opionion. Your problem is the forums you choose to post in.

Then stop playing hard games you baboon, most games have a difficulty selection for a reason. Not everyone wants to have their hands held. Also, based on this post , you are still crying even if you have the solution because you care about random nobodies on how you should play your game. This has to be bait and fuck me for failing for it.

>On top of having multiple disabilities, chronic pain, and visual impairment, I am a community organizer with a highly-stressful life where I am constantly forced to fight people and organizations which are bigger, richer, more powerful, and much better armed than I am -- and I do so out of my own pocket, which leaves me in destitution.
> I only have a Wikipedia page about me and have given hundreds of media interviews
you could at least keep your larp consistent you dumb fuck

I suck at bullethell games, so excuse me while I go bitch to their tiny niche group about how they need to be easier and more acceptable for people like me.
alternatively, I could just continue to accept I just don't enjoy bullethell games and ignore them and let people who do enjoy them to continue to enjoy them, and stick with something easier and similar like twin stick shooters.

Oh, so I should just happily accept this kind of middle school bullying and abandon gaming to the empathy-free bourgeois cunts who infest places like Any Forums? That's kind of the whole point of what I'm talking about.

See this guy? He's baffled at why I might find the hijacking of EVERY SINGLE GAMING FORUM ON PLANET EARTH by squirrelly-voiced children with undropped balls irritating, And then when I *do* occasionally find a game I like, the devs get dogpiled by GIT GUD fanboiz who convince them to turn the difficulty up to 11 because no one could possibly enjoy a game who isn't a Korean pre-teen amped up on Jolt.

If its a single player game what does what anyone says on a message board have to do with you playing it? Why do you need to randomly talk about it to strangers?