There's a special place in hell for people who don't rematch

If you don't play to a best of 3 then you didn't win, you forfeited. You are the scum of the earth if you deny your opponent this, neither you or them will learn nothing from just one game, you need at LEAST two in order to cement any potential teachings in your mind.

If anyone here leaves after just one match (win or loss), explain yourself.

Attached: cancer.png (545x493, 401.21K)

elite smash means nothing except to those who don't actually play in tournaments, and the other elite smashers know this so denying you your salty runback inflicts mental damage.

Like you made this post cuz you were upset. That's why.

Go take a shower

I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. I get pissed off when they leave even when I beat them because I'm robbed of practice. No shit elite smash means nothing, I use it exclusively for quick practice, but there is no practice to be had with all these one match losers.


You are playing meta and/or lame, and playing against you makes rather pull my teeth out.

Nobody is obligated to care about your shitty house rules. If you weren't a fun opponent, I'm not rematching.

what's so cancerous about ridley? if I was playing a zoner or ganondorf, then sure. But ridley is probably the fairest character in this fucking game.

Ridley isn't the problem, you are.

ah, my bad. guess I'm too good for the average elite smash autist.

we bump those

um, user...

>if you have a shit connection
no runback
>if you aren't good enough and I know I would crush you again
no runback
>if you a gay, black or trans
no runback
>if you play a character I don't like to fight
no runback
no runback. Simpleas

Attached: 1632760066676.jpg (1587x2245, 336K)

>weeb is retarded
water is wet

hi ducksen
>captcha: XDDYY

>shitposting on this thai elephant rearing forum
no runback

If you were a good player I need to duck out because, if I win the first match and lose to you in the second match, I will lose more points than I gained when I beat you in round 1. It is safer and more valuable to keep fighting different people, it is even within my interests to temporarily block you so I can't run into you again if you seem like a risk.

>caring about GSP

This is the absolute worst reason to not run someone back.

>Be me
>Always rematch opponents on quickplay if the connection is solid.
>Best 2 out of 3 if connection is bad.
>Opponent leaves if I win once after they have been dominating me
>Opponent leaves if they win once after I have been dominating them.
Why are people like this?

If I'm dominating someone I usually let them win before I end the session since I feel bad.

If I am trying to unlock Elite with a character then I could not only lose hours of effort very quickly if I were to entertain the idea of rematching good players, but every loss makes it harder to gain GSP afterwards permanently.

how bad are you that it's difficult to unlock elite on some characters? except for some exceptions like bayonetta, all you really need is good fundamentals to get elite on all of them.