So, now the light has died, what's the general opinion?

So, now the light has died, what's the general opinion?

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Pozzed garbage.

not worth $60, some how worse than the 1st

already forgotten

Better Parkour, worse map. Everything looks the same copy paste. It's like going from Stillwater to Steelport.

As someone who fucking loved Dying Light 1 Dying Light 2 is fucking awful

You hate ever character in the game
The shit story goes on forever while you just want to parkour and kill zombies
The zombie's suck with some of the worst looking zombie models ad special types I've ever seen in a zombie game
combat sucks and has almost no impact
Fighting humans is lame
And the environment sucks ass with copy and pasted shit around ever corner

DY2 has killed any interest I once had in this franchise.

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I replayed DL1 and The Following right before starting 2 and felt so underwhelmed. As you say combat is just lifeless in comparison to 1. Every enemy looks similar whereas there were so many defined types in 1.

I know over time they will update and refine, but the problem here is the very core of it just being so lifeless.

Looks like the best co-op for 2022.

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Worse than 1 in every way. Parkouring felt floaty and more like a platformer than DL1 or Mirror's Edge, combat was simplistic and boring and the story was abysmal. Which was a positive for me because I had a good laugh out of it so I guess there's that. Also personally I liked the city in 1 more and nights actually felt dangerous. Way too many cutscenes too

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Both the PK's and Survivors are equally shit. Hakon is based.

I still don't get why they made the saviours so deeply unlikable
What was the writer thinking?

Why did Aiden sound exactly like Kyle Crane?

It was a statement on part of the devs, a woke way of implying that "every white man is exactly the same", which ties into Crane being an asshole for parts of the first game. Techland got a LOT of money from Blackrock to make this game, I think you can tell why.


It's another case of the whole story could have been avoided if the big bad had actually explained things immediately. A bit like the secret ending of Far Cry 4.

>crafting a false narrative to rage over
Why the fuck are you like this?

First im hearing about this
Im very open to seeing some proof from you. You're not lying are you?
I mean, you wouldn't make up a false narrative that only YOU yourself believe in right? What would even be the point of that unless you like making yourself angry? Maybe perhaps you have some suicidal thoughts and you're projecting your anger on phantom issues that never existed in the first place?
Anyway yeah proof or gtfo

Not him, but look at the past 10-15 years of gaming and tell me it's not believable

Same, when I played DL1 for the first time, I got why people loved it within about 15-30 minutes. DL2 felt mediocre for the 24-ish hours I slogged through, how did they fuck this up?

The zombies have steadily become more bland and generic since Dead Island, now they all just seem like grey placeholders. There's nothing creative about them anymore like pic related.

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>The voice actors sound like young_adult_male.mp3
>That somehow is a metaphor for a woke "Men are all the same" message
>Even though they're distinctly different characters
"Not him" my ass

And the problem is they can't just fix it with updates when half the problem is the map itself. The slum area in DL1 was fantasicly varied. You had the tower, railyards, bridge, fishing village and open green areas. Old Vilador is just copy paste orange and grey.

its alright at best

Dead Island, for all its shortcomings, was kind of spooky.

I still love Dead Island and Riptide.
Proper weighty combat, a mix of areas. And fun.

This is steadily becoming problem with all zombie media
Every zombie looks like this now. the same bald grey skinned sunken eyed zombie
Every zombie besides maybe the shitty specal infected looks like this and it's not just DY2 that does this. Days Gone and The walking Dead. all the zombies look the fucking same

Games like Dead Rising Resident Evil 2 and ZombiU had the right idea where you could tell who the zombie used to be just from looking at them by their clothing or how they look

Part of the terror of zombies is seeing people turned into man eating monsters. so you can see a police officer or a doctor but now they are the same man eating freak zombies have lost there personality's

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