Once you finished Liurnia and Caelid you already saw all enemies elden shit has...

Once you finished Liurnia and Caelid you already saw all enemies elden shit has, everything next is just ulcerated tree spirit, erdtree avatar, the flowers, crystalian and Knight recolors

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Dilate tranny

Why did Elden Ring mindbreak BotW fans? It has one less point on Metacritic

Im not the 15th ulcerated tree spirit, body type B bro.


Botw had around 10 unique enemies when Eldeng Ring has 80

>Halig Tree has two ertree avatars
The last few legacy dungeons have been a bit of a slog, I'll admit

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>complete 50% of the game
>actually you've seen 100% of the game btw

This is ypur brain on elden shit

The whole haligtree/Ephael area is literally reused minibosses and generic enemies.

How many times are you going to keep humiliating yourself like this?

The best game of all time is 90% re-used assets so I never cared.

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>what if we make dark souls 3 but twice as much filled with recycled assets within the game and actually reusing 10 times a ds3 boss but everything separated by empty space

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Because they can’t play the game with their fisher price tablet

Seems like it should have been a dlc area but they featured Melania too much in promotional art to leave her out of the base game

>what if we -ACK

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Because they know deep down that BotW2 is not going to have an answer to how high the bar has been set by ER.

Because they know ER is better than shit of the wild in every way possible

I honestly think the people saying BotW is better than Elden Ring are just contrarians or trolls. I was a BotW shill but even I knew the game was relatively empty and that I was going to like Elden Ring more.
Elden Ring appeals to the BotW crowd and from what I've seen anyone who likes one game also likes the other.

People are only NOW defending BotW and acting like it's better than it really is because it's basically the Nintendo equivalent of Bioshock Infinite. They're doing the post-contrarianism thing and looping back around to say "actually its great. YOU'RE the ones who are wrong" because it gives guaranteed replies.

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>smouldering lake: the game
You gave me a good kek

Both games are shit.
I still hate souls fags way more because they have the gall to shit on copy paste games while playing Demon Souls for the 8th time.

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Elden ring is probably the worst souls games ever relased, its obviously half baked. It can be original artistically nor gameplay wise, theyobviously didn't knew how to re-invent some identity for elden ring, is the tranny of the dark souls games, it can decide itself, does it plays like sekiro, ds3 or bloodborne? No one knows.
It is meant to be hard or cheesed? No one knows
The open world is supossed to be the fun part of the game or just empty space between content to sell stuff? I actually know, the second one.

Bosses are terribly presented, open world is generic ubisoft boring trash that you wanted to skip if not because of the pieces of armor scattered arround, everything is just limgrave with other grass color, no gameplay style nor interaction with the enviroment that makes the open world section worth playingboredom boredom and boredom, they gave you a horse to rush through it for a reason.

Artistic direction is pathetic, bosses are specially annoying, unorganic, lack any kind of flow and refination, they are just naruto megazard touhou split split jump anime slash laser, they are not meant to be fun, they are meant to be commercial and make streamers seethe with their rollcatch delays and no-windows in order to sell zoomers.

Reused content is even worse, they didn't even cared about changing the lightning on catacombs from different regions, everything is the same in each area, not even reskined, straight up the same, no reason to explore, maybe there is 1 npc on a 20 hours empty barren area? Woah, revolutionary. Nah.
They even recycled sellia on the haligtree/snowfield region.
Utterly disgusting, plus, 10 erdtrre avatars, 10 ulcerated tree spirits, please?.

5/10, is like ds3 but worse