Dark Souls Confession Thread

Confess your sins, Any Forums.
I never managed to beat Lud and Zallen

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i don't know if i overlevelled in ds1 for o &s

I cheated for the Sekiro 100% achievement. I really didn't want to do NG+2 to get the souls for all the abilities.

I dropped Dark Souls after Ornstein and Smaugh.
I have ADHD

go fight the new forest boss at least
the forest area sucks but at least his fight is cool

I cheesed o&s using bow and arrows on my first playthrough.


Where were all of the NPCs that had maniacal laughter after slightly ominous dialogue in Elden Ring?

>I only use bow and katan

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I think it's more popular now for the worse.
Not long until westoid infiltration I guess.

Elden Ring was only fun for the first 30ish hours, and was utter pain during the remaining 70. I'm not playing through it again. I decided to just hoarfrost the fuck out of all of the bosses for being utter shit.

I forgot to do the artorias DLC

Despite owning all From games, I have never beaten a single one

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I can't beat Gwyn without parrying him.

I never did the DLC for Dark Souls II or III

I farm in these games until it's basically as easy as Zelda
>I'm going to hell

git gud

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I can't parry Gwyn

you're not missing out, they fucking suck

I've finished 2 soulsborne games and I all I've ever thought of them are adequate ways of passing the time. Nothing more. Lore fags and challenge nerds make me cringe. These games are the epitome of 'fine'. I just have little to no desire to ever play any other game this studio put out as they are far too samey and very uninspired. Ace Combat on the other hand...

But I hear shit like the DLC for Dark Souls II essentially "redeemed" it and that Ringed City was the perfect send off to the trilogy. I just run out of steam by the time I get to the final dungeons of the base games

I couldn't even manage to reach them.
I beaten all soulsborne games but i couldn't get past that one area. Fuck those reindeers and that snowstorm

Except for the dlc with Fume knight and Sir Alonne. These bosses are must fight

>Used Havel's Shield and the Dark Sword in DaS3 to grind out PvP covenant items. Kinda shitty, but people literally couldn't seem to deal with the combination of massive shield and insanely quick sword attacks. I killed so many people through that cheese to get all the trophies/achievements.
>I originally killed Ornstein and Smough solo, but I now summon on every subsequent playthrough. They're a cool fight, but I fucking hate every single duo boss in the series. It's never fun to get blindsided mid combo.
>Used summons for Malenia. Fuck a boss that heals through goddamn blocked attacks. Literally the only time I ever felt a boss in any of their games actively shat on a specific build, namely greatshields.
>Used the bow trick on the gargoyles when I first played DeS.