Start getting into what is apparently the most brilliant RTS ever made

>start getting into what is apparently the most brilliant RTS ever made
>look at unit overviews
>%90 of units aren't built
>nearly all abilities aren't used
>can't do anything off meta otherwise you die
>game is only difficult due to the units being retarded and lack of qol
What a meme game

Attached: MV5BMDFiYzg0N2YtNDEzMi00ZTE4LWI3NzUtMmRhYzRkZTMzNGQyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjcyNzc1NTg@._V1_.jpg (800x1006, 136.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

none of what you say is true except for like the scout or dark archon or some shit.
you will never even get remotely close to an MMR where the meta matters to begin with.

Except it's completely true, look at these
>literally explains how the medics abilities aren't used
>literally explains how a ton of units aren't even built

>start getting into what is apparently the most brilliant RTS ever made
>nevermind i just watch fucking youtube videos
just kill yourself

>get into game
>learn more about it
>this sends non-players into a seething psychosis


You mean built in certain match ups. Yes, while most abilities aren't used, a lot of units are used depending on the match up. You mention medics which signals you're talking about TvZ because generally you don't see them in TvT and TvP.

is this the most brainlet take of the year?

>%90 of units aren't built
the only units that aren't used in competitive play are scouts and infested terrans (they do get used occasionally but are still a meme). Units that are rarely used but still have situational uses include ghosts, devourers and dark archons. The rest are all used 90% of the time

>nearly all abilities aren't used
almost all abilities are used. maybe infest CC on queens or optic flare for medics aren't.

>can't do anything off meta otherwise you die
maybe true, but the meta is not one single playstyle, but there are like 20 popular and viable terran builds alone in korea atm, but these rotate according to what builds the opponents expect and aim to counter. Shit goes in and out of popularity all the time. You could walk into a tournament with a build from 2015 and win a game because your opponent is focused on countering playstyles from 2022. Brood war is actually one of the few games where playing an off-meta build can give you a massive advantage if your opponent can't figure out what you're doing.

>game is only difficult due to the units being retarded and lack of qol
true, and the only sensible thing in this post. if you made all the units work like SC2 the game would be easy. And probably boring to watch, like SC2, but whatever

Attached: 1200px-Stagonopleura_bella_male_-_Melaleuca.jpg (443x365, 75.79K)

the only unit in the game that everyone agrees is fucking worthless is the scout
literally every unit in the game has seen professional play, with even the scout getting used as a joke a few years back on Inner Coven

Those things are only (partially) true if you play at competitive level. Starcraft was made for the campaign and goofing in dedicated servers. Esport faggotry came later. Even then most units are used.

Now post a typical webm of Artosis playing

It's time has passed. Come home, RTS man.

Attached: 1.jpg (1278x870, 254.88K)

>restoration on plagued vessels
the only reason why pros never used it is because it's incredibly taxing on APM to individually click a medic to a(n) affected vessel(s) but if they wanted they would

>%90 of units aren't built
lie. only scout, devourer and infested terran arent built. Although some units are niche, (like the dark archon0
>nearly all abilities aren't used
at least 50% of the abilities are used
>can't do anything off meta otherwise you die
if with "off meta" you mean drooling over your keyboard, then yes
>game is only difficult due to the units being retarded and lack of qol
there is a major technical component yes, but thats not the only part of the game thats difficult

Scouts were literally used in the last ASL finals.

Attached: Zergisafuck.png (512x512, 199.18K)

>stops talking just to mention how weird the scout is

>Any Forums rts threads
Oh man now we just need retarded "gookclick" posters and we'll be set

Any Forums has had sc threads ongoing for years

are we using this as the korea time thread or is someone making a new one

so you didn't even play the game, you just watched some retard on youtube, I hate you zoomers so goddamn much
'meta' tryharding is boring in all games, doesn't matter if it's WoW or SC

Absolute shitpost

You are genuinely retarded. Post your ranking if it's such a brainlet friendly game, surely you must be at least A rank on ladder.