He is never getting that third game, isn't he?

He is never getting that third game, isn't he?
Also - comfy Deus Ex thread

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I try to forget Mankind Divided exists. So much lost potential. Human Revolution is still solid even after all these years

Never played mankind divided. I enjoyed HR when it came out but that was almost 10 years ago (wow) at this point. Worth picking up on a sale or no?

No, he died for a capeshit flop and it’s sad

I mean...I have fresh memories of it so I can go back no problem. But if it's been awhile it may be a bit dated but if you can past that it's worth it. Story is great, music is great, the locales are full of personality, the worldbuilding is top tier. It's absolutely worth it

All of this is referring to Human Revolution, sorry forgot to clarify.

I was looking forward to seeing how they explain all the shit that happens in the prequels didn't happen

They had some decent setups in MD like the whole Jensen being MIA at a versa life facility for 3 months after HR and having the Illuminati being shown.

Ultimately I think they were building up to a remake of the original with all their shenanigans included, FF7R style

That could still happen

Two capeshit flops in a row.
They gave capeshit two chances while Jensen only got one and even then with meddling.
SE is a scummy company that needs to die already.

Squenex Europe and Japan operate very differently too be fair, Japan let's their A teams try whatever they want while Europe only follows the money.

>Welcome home Mr Jensen
Comfiest moment in any game

I've been playing Human Revolution and I'm blown how good the game is, how did they do it?
Did they have people from the original game on board?

mankind divided is solid albiet smaller than HR, but honestly it looks better and is the better cyberpunk game compared to cp2077

On sale - yes. It's still a good game, just dissapointing.

MD is as good as HR (and as long contrary to what is said. The only frustrating thing is that it isn't self contained and calls for a sequel that will never come out.

I would've preferred that honestly. I don't like the idea of the prequels being in the same timeline as the original. Too much is inconsistent with the original in terms of tone and world building.

It's not gonna happen. Most of the key people in the original team left after MD flopped. If a new one happens it'll be like nu-Obsidian's works. Mark my words, it'll be shit.

MD was the sequel that didn't need to happen. Jensen dies when he kills the computer that keeps Panchea from collapsing regardless of what choice he made because he's basically on the sea floor and has no way out. Story complete. If you need to continue on in the aftermath, use a new protagonist and certainly don't put in a bunch of "our MC is actually a clone" shit in there.

I know that people in Eidos Montreal said they're not giving up on it but my hope for a new game is waning by the day.

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"our MC is actually a clone"
But that's a good twist and tie-in to the dentons coming from a clone farm aswell.