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Living in death

roger tells u

Spooky Skelly Skeleton.
Death ending is the true skellyman ending

Godwyn's body. It's being absorbed by the great tree's roots but since the body is still technically alive (only his soul was killed by the Rune of Death), the entire great tree now has cancer and sprouting Deathroot, leading to the appearance of Those Who Live in Death.

why is godwyn a fucking lovecraftian horror when he was a human in the trailer/intro?

Because the Rune of Death, infused in the Black Knives used to kill him, accidentally broke in half in the process. Half of it remained on his body as a curse mark, and thus Godwyn became bound to the Erdtree's roots in an eternal undying state, unable to even die properly. Those Who Live in Death refer to him now as the "Prince of Death", and the Erdtree's roots spread out all over the Lands Between, spreading Deathroot. The "Godwyn" below Stormveil Castle is a recreation of his real body, made of Erdtree roots.

Fia's questline leads her to try and save him from his fate.

So all the Erdtrees have their roots spread throughout the entirety of The Lands Between, making one big network that the Ancestor Guardians and other pre-Golden Order sources call The Great Tree. When someone dies honorably, they are committed to underground catacombs and their bodies are taken in as nutrients for the Great Tree to be reincarnated. Godwyn died, but his body is still alive, so The Great Tree fucked up in absorbing him. That's not even his body really, just a tumor that was left behind. Most of his body ended up at the Darkroot Depths at the heart of the Great Tree, and it's even more mutated do to the curse of undeath it and the Great Tree are inflicting on each other.

a coomer's fate

How the fuck do I get there

bottom of stormveil castle


So what's the deal with the other giant lovecraftian corpse thing in the underground? The one where Fia hangs around.

from court yard bonfire if you go back into the courtyard theres a path in one of the buildings

There's a dropdown near the courtyard bonfire, an item pickup was right at the edge where you drop down

Deeproot depths? Thats THE Godwyn himself

Ranni fucked him up, kinda messed up but so is being under control of some space beings so I can't blame her

Also Godwyn because Deathroot shenanigans

It's still weird to me that we have no idea what Ranni's intentions were there despite her being such a prominent character. We don't even know if she meant to kill Godwyn at all. Was it a complete accident? Did she mean to kill him for some unknown reason despite him apparently being loved by all? Did she send the Black Knives with the purpose of killing Morgott, Radagon, or Marika and they just fucked up and killed Godwyn because he was easier to get to than the others? It's weird that in lot of ways, the lore of Elden Ring is a lot more concrete than in the other Souls games, but we're also just outright missing huge chunks of it.

somebody put "lover ahead" above the eye slit lol

Why dont you poorfag and/or badfag

She doesn't, Godwyn is the source of undeath, she's an undeath worshipper and wants undead rights to be in the consitution basically.

A promethian.

I think the black knives were choosing a target on their own accord out of spite for Marika siding with the greater will that imprisoned them underground for eternity