Ds2 is still the best looking game from fs

>ds2 is still the best looking game from fs
how did they do it? is it because they did not use their shit engine?

Attached: ds2.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

In what world? DaS2 is the ugliest game they released, all the metal looks like plastic and everything's washed out. For every Heide there's a Gutter, a Harvest Valley, a Lost Bastille chock full of repeating stone textures

It's actually only game where metal looks like metal and stone like stone

actually the best looking from game is chromehounds

that hud is beautiful

That's literally the good looking place in the game and even then it's still leagues below anything in DaS3, Bloodborne, or DaS1.

Lighting looks like shit in all other games and the colors are all washed out

>ds2 is still the best looking game from fs

Attached: whatunityprojectisthis.png (1920x1080, 3.36M)

Where are the pre release dynamic shadows and lighting?

In tanimuras desktop trash can

Attached: 1611764532024.jpg (720x405, 193.75K)

Dark Souls II is nauseating.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (1465x875, 1.81M)

And yet it most resembles Elden Ring

idk whats more annoying, ds2 fags coming out of the woodwork once again, or sekirobabs complaining that elden ring isn't sekiro 2

Attached: 1647197563937.png (319x155, 4.32K)

Why couldn’t we fucking get the damn lighting system in SOTFS

name a from game that doesn't look like complete garbage

Because the game still had to be optimized for the PS3 and 360.

neither, it's dark souls fags who complain the game isn't linear


All of them

You have dynamic shadows and lighting. It showcases more dynamic lighting and shadows, also torch shadows, than all their other games including Elden Ring.

Attached: 1646909700708.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

>is it because they did not use their shit engine
Probably. It was a next gen engine still in beta, hamstrung by 360/ps3 hardware and budget. From thinks their current engine is good enough and everyone in studio probably knows it and it's easy to use so there's no big incentive to change because their games sell a gajillion copies and get 10's anyway, even if they run like shit. Which is another thing, DS2 and Scholar on pc and ps4 run very well. And the input lag is a lot lower too.