How do people survive just punching things in fantasy land?

How do people survive just punching things in fantasy land?

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Well, they're fantasy people.

Asia is obsessed with the idea they invented hand to hand combat and they're the best at it in the whole world and it's just as good as being armed with weapons and blah blah blah so they always put that bullshit in their media.

Well first
You punch them very very hard

Punch good.

its typically fists empowered with magic, but the magic is called chi or ki or something

Typically in media, monks use "chi" aka magic to power up their bodies while fighting. So...

Attached: its-magic-i-aint-gotta-explain-shit2.jpg (720x479, 80.05K)

1. being a naturally stronger race

2. maaaAAAAaaaAAAAgic ruuUUUuuuUUUuunes!!!

3. by strapping basically two anvils to their wrists to punch with

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real martial artists admit to being kek'd by boxers thpugh

Are you saying boxing isn't martial art?

you know what i meant

Now you just have me wanting to see a fantasy party with the standard sword and shield warrior, fireball throwing wizard, etc and there's also just a boxer there too.

>Dies to stop the Antlions by nuking the prince.
>"lmao dude they're just rank D monsters, if you go outside our island's borders stuff stronger than the prince is like five feet away."
I was so mad. They made it seem like the Antlions were ridiculous and could end life as we know it and like one story later they're jobbers in the grand scheme of things with Kurapika and Hisoka fighting shit stronger than them casually.

simple, they punch good

It isn't. It's a combat sport, it had hard rules in it which restricts it to being a game more than a serious strategy for survival/defense. Boxing doesn't have any techniques for defending against kicks because you'll never be kicked in the ring. You'll never be grappled in the ring outside of clinching which just resets you. Boxing is only a martial art within the boxing ring itself because you and your opponent have both made a binding agreement that you will not attack one another in a lot of ways.

Do I have a treat for you!

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Ninjas are all over Japanese fairy tales and fantasy. Like Naruto is just Tiny Toons Adventures for "Tales of the Gallant Jiraiya"

just punch stuff really really hard, and believe in yourself that it'll work

>I often thought even if no one knew of the good I had done with my life, it didn't matter.
>That it was done is all that counts in the end.
>But then I died.
>And I hadn't gotten to do any of it yet.

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that's pretty much the FF1 monk does jack shit other than press attack barehanded
Ninjas don't just punch people though
Naruto characters are straight up wizards

Mixed martial arts is a thing retard

Well, you punch really hard

MMA is not boxing you fucking dimwit.

So you think in a world filled with magic, dragons, octopus faced psychics, golems, and other bullshit, that they're just punching with regular human strength and not magic ki aura hardened hands folded wun mirrion times?

Are you retarded?

Typical shonen bullshittery. Every new foe is eleventy bajillion times stronger than the previous one and could wipe their ass with the previous guy everyone just barely defeated.

they still have to get really close to the flying megadimension diamond skin demon man while fantasy knight guy has penetrating magic swords and shit

Thats called literally just playing D&D. Monk is a class. It has been for longer than Final Fantasy has even existed, and was stolen from D&D in the first place much like most of gamings ideas when it comes to RPG shit.

*blocks you're path*

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