Reused boss fight is okay because... IT JUST IS ALRIGHT

>reused boss fight is okay because... IT JUST IS ALRIGHT

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urm nice try troll, but that's margott not margit, totally different boss, it's ok i know it's hard for your tiny chud brain to figure that out :)

Dark Souls had 3 Asylum Demons.

based i agree, love margott

activate your windows faggot

>chalice dungeons are ok because they are optional

>Garflax, the Scrangal Bingar

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Taurus demon if he multiply

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>fight first story boss
>he holds back and taunts you
>you beat him and he teleports away taunts you hes gonna get ya later
>fight him again this time with a slightly different move set
y'all got the tism.

It was also made when FROM were a smaller company with a smaller budget and it was still rightfully criticized. FROM is a much larger company now and Namco Bandai are putting serious behind them, they have no excuse for this amount of recycling content

>It's the same fight
>plays out the same
>kick his ass in the same time

It's literally the same guy

stray demon if he crispy fried

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>oh? you think Elden Ring is bad for resusing bosses? well, let's compare it to the universally agreed upon worst and laziest part of Dark Souls that also reuses bosses. checkmate, haters...

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literally everybody criticized the asylum demon reskins in DaS1. Elden Ring is just far more egregious about it.

>if I greentext a post it must be wrong
worse than webcomic artists

to be fair elden ring is a massive game. it’s impressive how fast they managed to
shit it out considering how often they release games. but having played it I would have waited another year or two if it meant there was more enemy and boss variety

Tell me of the other big budget RPGs that don't recycle any bosses. I'm waiting.

Asylum demon is the only repeated boss in DS1, meanwhile in ER you fight most bosses at least twice


>Abhorrent post
>Activate windows
Lmao everytime with you shit skins