I haven't played a souls game and I don't plan to

I haven't played a souls game and I don't plan to

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didn't ask plus you will never be a woman

I just came for the gas.

I knew you had shit taste from the get go Humongous? Wish Max caved your skull in.

I played Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne and I can vouch that they're top tier games. You can ignore the Dark Souls sequels


agreed. I played DS3 after bloodborne and ds1 and I didn't enjoy it much. I preferred Demon's souls on ps5 which I played afterwards.

What games do you recommend?

Cool Jason cosplay

The Mad Max game was unironically good

giga based

Just play Elden Ring, its factually not a souls game

why do mongoloids keep insisting on this?

I hate souls games but ended up liking elden ring, probably why it's selling so well
most of the shitty dark souls shit is gone bar some bad bossfights and janky ui


Your Intellectually inferior retard

Based, yeah, it was good

is Hollow Knight a souls game?

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Honestly it's worth playing one. If you really can't stand From Soft's bullshit, Code Vein is a decent soulslike with fat anime tits.

You're not missing much.

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