How do I finish games? I can never finish games. I start playing something and then drop it 1 hour later. This didnt happen to me back before smartphones became a thing. I think I became addicted to fast paced multiplayer games

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Buy 1 game. And buy another when you actually have beaten it.

1st: buy a rope
2nd: hang yourself
3rd: ??????

Most games take an hour just to properly get going.
What are you playing? Because that will massively matter if you’re playing mostly trash anyways

if a game isnt good in an hour it probably doesnt get much better later

Become poor.
Or this

You do not have a mental disorder
You are over stimulated
Literally get off your fucking phone all the time and you're cured

you need a 'detox'
delete all social media, limit internet use at least for few days

Set up an extremely annoying alarm to remind yourself to play and beat a video game
Like so

That's exactly the kind of thing an idiot zoomer who thinks he has ADHD would say.

i have ADHD,you will be addicted once you find games you truly love.
also taking small breaks while keeping the game itself open helps alot.

read a book retarded nigga

>if you dont like a game wasting your fucking time you're a zoomer
id be shocked if you played a game over ten years old before

meant for OP

HRT helps

coffee and alcohol helps but only temporarily, the only way to deal with it is medication which is prescription only

I have like 500 games in my steam account. Have finished like 3 of them

31, had undiagnosed ADHD my entire life, just got prescribed adderall a month ago and shit has been fucking great. Is this what normal feels like? I can just sit down and do stuff without weird pointless anxiety making me avoid doing literally anything

I feel like my life would have been really fucking different if my mom had just taken me to a psychiatrist as a kid. I was clearly struggling. What the fuck. My dumbfuck family told me adderal would turn me into a zombie. Instead I actually have energy now and everything feels effortless. Fuck

I had adhd as a kid you get over it...any how uoohh

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I didn't get over it, but I have good coping mechanisms and tools as an adult (calendar reminders and alarms are great for me) that I didn't have as a kid.

As a special ed teacher I've seen more than a few kids qualify for special ed only because they have ADHD and are failing but their parents refuse to medicate. It's sad because if they just took it a few years they could get a good academic foundation and then try to come off it and work on functional skills to replace the medication. Instead, "it's a drug" so the kids never get back on-track and flounder in life forever.