What's the best JRPG to pull an all-nighter on?

What's the best JRPG to pull an all-nighter on?

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I pulled an all-nighter on smt v the other night. A quarter of that time was fightan, quarter grinding, and half autistically making the best team possible.
I have still failed in the last department.

no final fantasy?

why is trunks there?

Name ONE (2) good final fantasy games.

Crisis Core

etrian odyssey, which of course none of you casuals have played

I've played the first one, and lost at it. I also recall hearing something to skip the first?

yes etrian odyssey has neeeever been posted about on Any Forums before
seeing people be smug over games that arent even obscure is the funniest shit

Final Fantasy V and VI and VII

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I've pulled several all nighters playing Chrono Trigger, and also did a few the first time I played Earthbound. Both good times

I don't recommend overnighting Grandia, Persona or Eternal Sonata. Grandia should be savored like a good meal, Eternal Sonata is just a boring game to play all at once and Persona isn't really a game you can complete overnight without missing out on stuff.
Tales you could probably overnight. I don't know about Dragon Quest though.

Shin Megami Tensei would be interesting while sleep deprived. Also there no cutscenes to give you a chance to nod off.

if you play 1 and 2 you ply the remakes instead

i accept your concession

Typical FFfag, can't even follow instructions.

Crisis Core
Strangers in Paradise

Dragon Quest V.

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My vote goes to Grandia.

Cmon bro half the retards here playing elden ring and shitting up the board have not and never will touch etrian odyssey so that guy isnt wrong

Acting like you're the only person who has ever played a game makes you a faggot, especially when its for babys first handheld dungeon crawler.

Shin Megami Tensei

Final Fantasy III

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