What's your favorite Diablo-like ARPG?

And list why, of course.

Mine is pictured.

- The gameplay is chunky.
- The open world is a fresh take on a normally area based formula, and is filled with secret areas
- Base game is great on its own, but there is also a good modding community
- Moves feel a bit more unique than those in most ARPGs
- Devotions passive system is a fine blend of passive stats, procs, and a little "puzzle" element

No ARPG has come close to it in enjoyability since it came out, and it's better than the games that inspired it.

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You posted it. If anything, the problem I am having is finding an aRPG as good to dick around in.

Grim Dawn is the best, easily. PoE is an ADHD "click to awesome" fest.

I really want to play PoE, but every time I start it, I can't get over how janky it is. Ironically I have been diagnosed with ADHD, and I simply don't have the patience for it. Grim Yawn gives me my fix because the stats go seriously deep and I love min-maxing on the fly. Every character I've started was built around whatever drops. Love this game.

When I was young? Sacred
Now? Diablo 3.

Diablo 3 is underrated imo. It cops a lot of crap but it's just fun.

Grim Dawn could only get better if it had Spears and Javelins. Missing those is literally the only thing it does wrong.

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Has the game improved much since the rather botched release?

I wish I could like grim dawn
felt like the story was fucking retarded
environments were too fucking ugly
character was also too ugly until you get endgame sets
even the UI is ugly as fuck
I literally almost fell asleep playing ashes of malmouth
beat the base game+expac with two characters then tried to farm some gear but just couldn't keep doing it due to all these flaws


sacred is based but why diablo3? it's pretty awful

not really and the servers are still complete dogshit


Grim Dawn is the best arpg poe caters to its spaz zoom zoom sc trade players

it's fun and has cool setting


tried to play it but got fucking bored after 3 hours
looked bland as fuck, was super slow and the skill trees were really uninteresting
but well that's my opinion, glad you enjoyed it

d3 vanilla pre nerfs
they're all pretty garbage though
I'm developing a mini ARPG to mess around in just because of how trash the current genre is

newfag you can't get dubs on Any Forums except 00

Honestly yeah. Grim dawn is the only ARPG to hold my attention for as long as it has. Since diablo 2, I could never find anything close but grim dawn is right behind it.

I think the only thing I really dislike about Grim Dawn is Phys/Pierce/Bleed all being different elements and clogging up the resist % pool while also lowering build synergy, and then armor being a sort of weird system.

Offensive/Defensive ability is great. Having accuracy & crit/dodge & crit avoidance rolled into the same stats make building a lot easier, so it's odd they'd make that easy and then make elements a pain in the ass.

I was so fucking hyped for final cut. I have no earthly fuck idea how they fucked that up so goddamned badly.
I was digging Last Epoch quite a bit. But just today the studio revealed that Tencent has bought a stake in the company. Of course they're poo-poo'ing the stake acquired, but clearly they needed the investment as they couldn't get multiplayer working for shit. The game was slated for release in April 2020, then delayed, then multiplayer by the end of last year, then delayed, now stake purchased by Tencent, "Multiplayer coming in a couple months guys! Promise! :D".
I'll try the kiwinigger's controller beta and see how it goes. But I'm leery on this genre anymore.

I wish poe was an actual game and not a showcase of vfx because every single build is just different colored explosions and mtx


In the early days, damage and VFX weren't so inflated, so builds felt different.

Now it's "choose the color of your screenwipe"

any way to mod it for different player models?

Path of Exile -> Titan Quest -> Grim Dawn
In that order. Nothing else really captures my interest like those 3.
POE is just a dense fucking game, with a ton of ways you can play it, and I just enjoy most aspects about it. My favorite game to min-max because there's almost always a clear way to get to your next upgrade through crafting (even if the crafting process itself might be very expensive).
Titan Quest is just pure soul, at least through act 4 (I'd argue even act 5 has some soul to it). Multi-mastery system was a fun way to build a variety of different characters, and there are aspects of the gearing that I actually like a bit more than Grim Dawn (magic/rare/MI's generally more relevant since you can't use components on uniques)
Grim Dawn improved on a lot on most gameplay aspects of Titan Quest, modernized the experience, and has a lot of fun builds and stats to explore. Has received great support even after it's official release, and most of it's changes are generally for the better, even if I may not personally like them. A little less soul than TQ, though. At least in my opinion.

The game looks stunning. The sheer detail in it is pretty out there. There's shit you don't even get to see unless you play the 3rd person mod. It's why it also needs good hardware to run well. I cops a lot of shit for that.