Now that the dust has settled, what the FUCK went wrong?

Now that the dust has settled, what the FUCK went wrong?

Attached: Reddit.png (1000x600, 687.45K)

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I deduct points from every boss fight that they added copy paste adds on and the game is on negative score and not recommended for anyone. Make cheap encounters get cheap score.

Oh no one person thinks game bad
Elden ring is the best game of recent years
Cope retard

This game is the game that every other "great game" will be compared to for the next 10-15 years, and they will all be found lacking.
What went wrong with it, though?
Some fucking asshole kike tester bitched that summoning the horse would use up one of his sippies and ruined shit for everyone.

It's literally Twitter Souls. From sold out and you know it.

Meth of the Wild

nusouls enemy design with mandatory 30-hit combos and extremely delayed attacks
it's not even especially difficult, just looks extremely retarded.
Also - spirit ashes break the game entirely, and the retarded upgrade system basically prevents you from trying out new shit, which renders most loot pointless

Radahn was based and if anyone should have won the Shattering it was him. Malenia was a cheating whore who pussied out

You didn't play the game

Well, for starters, Malenia is a petty, conceited bitch who was unable to cope with getting throttled by Radahn so she whipped out her nuclear aids bomb in an otherwise honorable battle like a fag

almost every problem the game has is the result of the open world

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play elden ring

How about make an argument supporting your claims

>le big EPIC, BIG open world!
>oh boy I can't wait to tell the fellas on r/ElonMuskMasterRace about this one!

>Malenia low diffs 5 Radahns at once

Attached: elden-ring-malenia-boss-guide_header.jpg (1000x600, 182.55K)

mgsv had the best gameplay of the series. Shame the story was 1/5th finished and executed like a milky shit

Attached: smok.png (1420x1072, 949.7K)

Soulsborne game #1580072468

90% of incantations suck. Literally das2 casting speeds thats expected to land on BB enemies. AGRESSIVE BB enemies.

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>Man tries to complain about game he's never played
>it's 100% clear that he's never played the game
Why do you bother? What do you gain from being a professional shithead? Do you feed of your mother's disappointment?

what the fuck does that even mean? Do you kids ever think about what the words you use mean? Or is it just inserting various buzzwords to elicit a rise?

Removing the penalty for dying that has existed in every souls game is the worst part. It removed every bit of tension that the open world would have complemented with the hollowed system.

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>Holds back the fucking stars themselves
>Learned gravity magic for the sole purpose of being able to ride his weak horse to battle because he cared so much
>Even fucking Rykard likes him and keeps a portrait of him up in his manor
>Sets up his armor in honor of his dad and lion bro because he loves and respects him
>Rot slut couldn't even take him out with her shit bomb.
>Loses it because of shit bomb so either he or his pals set up a huge festival to gather strong folk to zerg rush him so he can die honorably
>Potentially needs a whole raid to take him out

>Abandons her kids and people
>Just sits around stewing in garbage rot all day
>Has to cheat against Radahn and still has to run away like a pussy
>Pretends she never lost
>Makes everywhere she goes a rot shithole
>Gets mogged by two at most
>Didn't even fucking realize that her brother got kidnapped by a pedophile