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4 + 5 = 11

Blessed. Two is pure noir kino. 1 is kinda silly, specially with the faces, but it's fun and the responsible for starting the franchise.

3 throws everything into the river because "Wouldn't it be epic to recreate X movie and ruin Max Payne character development? Let alone completly change the setting from cold noir new york to a favella in brazil? We gta now."

1 >>> 2 > 3

Damn op, this is a tough call. But 123

I think the tech created for MP3 was subsequently introduced to GTA 5...so really GTA became Max Payne. The real tragedy is what happened to Alan Wake.

>The real tragedy is what happened to Alan Wake

Eh, I liked it. They went for a different theme. The whole point of the first game being that Alan was trapped on his own msytery/thriller/horror novel. Now in the 2nd game he's trapped in a funny/action/comedy TV script.

Maybe in the 3rd game he'll be trapped in some tumblr girl yaoi fanfic, because CONTROL ISN'T CANON AND ANY MENTION OF ALAN WAKE OUTSIDE OF HIS GAMES DOESN'T EXIST LALALALALALA.

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I disagree
1>>>Sam Lake's face was too iconic for Max, no idea why they changed it with 2.

1 = 3 > 2

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Them removing the comic kino to replace it for "STUPID GRINGO" phrases as the camera freezes on the character face was the cringiest thing they could have EVER done.

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This is now a Sam Lake thread.

Entry Level:
Max Payne, Gears of War, Fortnite, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Resident Evil 4, PN03

Mid Level:
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy, Kill.Switch, Jet Force Gemini, SOCOM, Freedom Fighters, Syphon Filter

High Level:
Gungage, Metal Arms, Crimson Sea, Duke Nukem Time to Kill, Armed & Dangerous, Mega Man Legends 2 control style 4

GOD Level:
Winback Covert Operations, Covert Ops Nuclear Dawn, Gun Valkyrie

Based Landshark Gun and Winback poster. Handily be best post on Any Forums right now.

1 was kino on all levels
2 had a bigger budget but less sense and soul
3 isn't a max payne game so I don't care enough to play it

1=no epic boat turret sequences with no bullet travel
2=no epic boat turret sequences with no bullet travel
3=epic boat turret sequences with no bullet travel

the winner is obvious.

also alan wake was so shit and different from what they promised that I turned it off after 10 minutes

those on-rails sequences were the worst part of MP3

Winback sucks and cover mechanics suck

1 was better. 2 was short as fuck.


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filtered by a god game, you're simply a human gamer. Winback is not a cover shooter.

Attached: winbackrocketboss.webm (512x352, 2.93M)

Nigga winback invented cover shooters also that's the sucky ps2 version

stick to the 12fps n64 version, you're clearly too human.