Twitter is review bombing Domina on steam

cause the dev said he didnt believe in masks. they're that butthurt about a game dev not being in their progressive club that they're trying (and failing) to ruin his gamedev career.

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not your personal army
cope and seethe, chud

I thought Any Forums always said to keep politics out of gaming? Or is that only when it's politics that I don't like?

OP the discord trannies are already here

>Are masks stupid?
>Are games the place to put politics
No. Also he added MTX, he can go fuck himself. Shame, since I wanted to buy the game.

he didnt put mask stuff in the game its just a post he made. Also the game has no MTX it has dlc addons (no full-length story content yet though which is what we all wanted)

Was planning to buy the game to support him against the insane retardedness he is probably facing right now
Not a fan of putting your political opinions in patch notes though regardless of opinion though so I'm not sure

Hello fellow redditor

DLC addons he removed from the base game and made into DLC

these are tranny discord posts. strategy is like >yeah its bad trannies are bullying a game dev for not being left wing, but you know whats worse? politics in games, even if they're anti tranny politics"
kek you dumb pervert freaks

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They're afraid, so they lash out.

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Fair enough, still not a big fan of politics in places they don't belong.
>yeah its bad trannies are bullying a game dev
Oh, I'm complete agreement until with that. I never meant to imply it's "okay" for the dev to be harassed, but it's also the expected outcome. That being said, I'm unjabbed so what do I know :^)

thats not true at all. theres nothing that has been removed from the game and made into dlc. i have played it since it came out almost discord tranny

thog dont caaare

Not sure how that is trannyposting, most people playing video games do it to escape real life issues like politics
But you do you friend

>tranny tranny discord discord tranny
Can you say anything else?

its what hurts you the most. we've all seen the discord screenshots and subreddits lol


Magic the xgathering?

sounds based. fuck game devs, lazy stupid bitches.

nobody cares

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some reddit term. twitter is throwing around a narrative cause they dont like the dev stepping out of line. of course most of them will never play the game before they come here to fight their culture war about it.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a discord reddit tranny

Dev is a mentally ill tranny, why are we supporting this now?

you dont count if you're not one of us to begin with

NYPA nigger

did this stunt at least help them to sell more copies?

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Keep your fucking politics out of my games, you SJW.

>one of us
Who is "us"? People who want politics in video games? Sounds like reddit is more suited for you.

ironically you just repeat the same lines over and over

dev is not a tranny, hes from Any Forums. thats why they're mad at him

the review system should be about the game and not about politics, I don't give a fuck how insane the people behind it are and what their genitals are

I'm guessing that no one making these threads actually cares about this game, they're just happy to talk about a pol topic on a non-pol board

>dev is not a tranny, hes from Any Forums.

Same thing

TAKE OFF THE FCKN MASKS - Next time you're at the grocery store, try showing a woman your face. Be confident, unafraid of the LIES -- you might get a girlfriend. Women like confidence. Women don't like dudes who cover their faces in fear. What are you afraid of? Getting laid? Grow up.

>hes from Any Forums
You’re on Any Forums faggot

it seems sales for the game have gone up significantly since this started. twitter cant even cancel right anymore



Any Forums is a pro Any Forums boardthanks OP i just gave him a positive review and flagged the tranny posts

its a big club and you are not in it

Modern Leftists not only don't have a very good sense of humor but they can't draw a decent comic strip to save their lives.

I have never heard of domina so I just presume dev is trying to shill his shitty pixelcrap here trying to save his ass from twitter mob lmao.

Twitter users should stay on Twitter.

>the dev said he didnt believe in masks
But there's photographic proof. Masks DO exist.

His fault for inserting politics into his unrelated game.

I bought it because of all this. It's good. started it up and got 5 hours straight in. Fuck twitter review bombing. They freak out whenever somebody else does this then they do it themselves.

It is interesting though how they haven't been able to make much of a dent in the review score. Another Fail

It always amazes me when leftists do the surprise Pikachu face when someone uses their own tactics against them and lemme tell ya, you guys get mad mad.

Its not in the game. They are going after his game because hes not progressive.