Broken Shit:
>Bloodhound Step having infinite fucking i-frames meaning it doesn't have a hard counter, on top of being able to be spammed while having max equip load, so you can stack max poise without investing a single point into endurance, meaning mage moonveil kids get to play meta w/ 0 effort
>Status buildup is actually broken and gives stuns even through rolls, allowing for free hits on the followup that you can't dodge. It's fucked up in duels and makes invasions almost impossible if the gank squad actually knows how to play.
>Bleed specifically is worse than even DS3's bleed at launch, does infinity fucking damage and trivializes the game. Speaking of which:
>Greatshield Poke meta is cancer and has no discernable counter
>Vyke's spear is busted in duels and low level invasions due to the way status works in this shit game

Slightly less broken shit, but is still cancer regardless
>Moonveil does too much damage. It's only counter is not playing invasions lmao. In duels you have to play perfectly. You can also parry it but who the fuck does that. 90% of the time you're just gonna get one shot by it.
>Frost stomp is another busted invasion tool because of the places you can use it in. In duels, jumping out of the way works, and hard read jump attacks right before they use it usually deletes your opponent. But why does this WA exist? No one fucking knows.
>Dual katana movesets are just better than straight swords in every way. Best tracking, best damage, best status on almost every one of them.
>Catch flame has the easily accessible potential to do 500+ damage per hit. This shit needs to be patched. Low level gank squads have no counter (even if they are pieces of shit, I still advocate for the game being fair)
>Magic shit overall needs it's damage tuned.

Other shit:
>Host advantage w/ godricks rune at SL 110-120 needs to be addressed
>Latency is fucking awful
>Random Disconnects are awful

fuck this game

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You are special, that's why there was a need for a new thread expressly for your insightful observations

who cares lmao

>Sekiro has no pvp, what a useless game
>Elden Ring pvp being broken doesn't matter

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Thanks user. I'm glad you agree.

>>Sekiro has no pvp, what a useless game
can you link me to the post where I said that

I killed you recently didn't I OP?

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PvP is for gays anyway

Dont care still not playing PvP

great runes don't work in multiplayer

so if everything is broken, what is the issue?

The only thing that's absolutely cancerous beyond all hope is Moonveil. It's just so fucking gay. The rest are at least just janky bugs. Moonveil and Hoarfrost are fucking broken.

You forgot to mention
>eclipse shotel instant death exploit
>erdtree greatshield + fire's deadly sin minigun
Invasions are still fun despite all the broken shit in the game.

Been dueling for a couple hours now on Altus highway junction. Collected almost 1 million runes with pvp alone the past hours.
1v1, with honor. Unless I see a moonveil babbie running around, then I just use Fire's deadly sin+Bloodflame blade to instantly destroy them.

I'm 110 and anyone is welcome to invade.

>Status buildup is actually broken and gives stuns even through rolls, allowing for free hits on the followup that you can't dodge
skill issue

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They do. Only the host can use it though

shit im 120, can i still invade you?

true, i just dont see them anymore, and since I duel more than invade i just outrun these morons and let their buffs wear off and then kill them. it's a gimmick in that instance at best


muh cumpetitive pvp

/vg/ pvp autists saw the redflags a mile away but nobody wanted to listen
I hope the first dlc fixes a ton of shit like for when it happened with DS3, but DS3 At launch was great in comparison

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