I almost spat laughing. This shit comes across corny due to how it translate out of japanese right?

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Hora means whore in Swedish

Big Lou has been waiting for a chance to live out his WWE fantasies for hundreds of years. finally everyone is fucking dead so he can just do whatever the fuck he wants

le kino
filtered zoomer
you porbably want baby retard games like skyrim or ubisoft
stupid people can't appreciate handcrafted art like this
you must be a troll to seriously believe this

I think its mainly the way he yells warrior, if he'd put a different inflection on it, it might have not seemed as silly

>he doesn’t know

What? Not enough quips and le marvel humors for you zoomer?

>This shit comes across corny due to how it translate out of japanese right?
no the audio is in english in the jap version. only subtitles are in jap. GRRM wrote all this shit and he doesnt speak japanese so its all english by default

>no one but me sees the Heracles allegory

>now, i fight as horah loux........................

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It was conceived in Japanese. Please understand

I also found it fucking hilarious

I think it's more Conan.
The inflection is weird, but thematically it's one of the better fights in the game.

It's the lion, bro.

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He killed the white wolf bro. Fuck that bastard.

Eh, the lion Serosh is his companion/limiter that is there to control his battle lust. I don't see how that relates to Hercules' labours. By your logic it could just as well be a Samson reference.

he fucking threw my mimic to the moon

Marika means "faggot" in spanish. Which is even funnier because of the plot twist in which radagon is marika, which means that, by being a woman, radagon is a faggot.

why do you fight him twice?

godfrey is still mad he got cucked by his own wife and sent your mimic to fuck ranni

Why did he have to murder his lion for this he could he just taken him off his shoulders

Uh no? The word you're thinking of is maricon

Are you blind? Retarded? Or both?

Why do you fight him at all? Wasnt this fucker supposed to be dead? Why is there even a search for another elden lord if he is alive? What about the assassination? What about defeating his spiritm?

it was grafted onto him.

You could ask that for a few bosses. Some of them have ghost versions for some reason, then later you fight the real deal and they usually hit way harder.


Marika is pronounced the same as marica, marica means the same as maricon.

Japanese dialoque has always been cringe.

marica is a variation of the word but i've never actually heard someone say it

The story doesn't make sense.
Supposedly he returned along with the rest of the Tarnished.
Maybe he encountered you at the capitol at the same time he got there?

Uhhhh Godefroy is Godrick twin brother.
You can hear "Godrick....please forgive me" when you kill him.
Git gud lorelet

He meant Colombian-Spanish and Brazilian-Portuguese. Not sure about Mexican-Spanish, possibly.

if you read the remembrances, he lost his "grace" and then lead his people (who are the tarnished) out of the land of the erdtree

he's not dead because he was probably also the dragonlord placidusax before becoming godfrey

there's a lot of hints that all the people of the erdtree were originally descended from dragons so it's not that weird
and nobody dies anyway, probably related to that

yeah marica is definitely a colombian word, everyone in mexico says maricon

How does that have anything to do with what I posted?

I'm actually talking about Spanish Spanish. It's freaking 6:43 here

worst spanish*

>he's not dead because he was probably also the dragonlord placidusax before becoming godfrey

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