Is Elden Ring the best open world game ever made? The only games of comparable quality are morrowind, gothic 2, botw...

Is Elden Ring the best open world game ever made? The only games of comparable quality are morrowind, gothic 2, botw, and gta sa.

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No it's too static to be a good open world game

It's not comparable to anything it's the best open world ever created in the history of human race admit that you fucks or GIT GUD!

Nope amd despite being an unpaid shill for morrowind and gothic 2, theyre not the best either. In fact there isnt a solely best open world rpg because theyre a) not really open world and b) limited to w/e garbage coding the devs can do which limits everything.

Git gud retard, go play movie games leave true games to hc gamers

Considering the Witcher 3 exists, no, no it isn't

Do you know what the word static means retard? Having the exact same conditions every time the world resets does not make a good "open world" game

its darksouls4 and people are already forgetting about it.

Everything is best ever from here on out because these fucking lemmings exist in a state of perpetual present.

>putting morroshit in the same category as godthic 2 and elden GOAT
TES shit eaters get the rope

people actually like botw, elden ring players fucken hate the game. everyone else just didnt play it because it doesnt look fun.

I liked the witcher 3, but its open world was nothing special. I'd say in terms of an open world that provides impressive detail, scale and immersion, RDR2 stands way above any of the rest. When it comes to a sandbox playground for exploring and having fun killing things, Elden Ring is the king. Witcher 3 is somewhere in the middle.

Morrowind oozes atmosphere and is kino


BotW doesn't even make it into the top 5 best open world games, I'm sorry.

I can respect that opinion, yeah. RDR2 for me was mind-numbingly boring so it's hard for me to really consider it a "good" game even if I respect the technical achievements.
That said, I wouldn't say W3's open world is "nothing special", I mean, it was the open world baseline for a really long time. Novigrad is probably still one of the most convincing cities ever put to games, and the varied assets between the several different regions of the map I think is pretty unmatched. Whereas RDR2 is technically impressive, by nature of the setting it's a somewhat bland overworld even though it is objectively convincing.

What a dumb post. Novigrad wasn't even better than the city in TW1 and RDR2 is a great game.

>Novigrad wasn't even better than the city
But it literally is
>RDR2 is a great game.
Like I said, it's impressive yes, but as a game it's boring as shit

>it was the open world baseline for a really long time.
Never has been
Yet somehow you made a dumber one.

It wasn't. Copy pasted interiors and barely anything going on, it was all flash with no substance. There's no logical reason to put TW3 above RDR2 in fun. On every single level it's worse.

>Never has been
Did you even play any open world games after 2015? I won't blame you for not, the vast majority are utter shit, but basically every game from 2016-2018 was aping some aspect of W3's world

Have you even played games before 2015?

>On every single level it's worse.
>Copy pasted interiors and barely anything going on

What games then? The closest I've seen without having played would be the assassins creed reboot trilogy.

The Middle Earth games, the Horizon games, I'm sure I could think of more but I don't particularly care that much