Halfway through March

>halfway through March
>no new AVGN
It's over

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He's taking a break after episode 200

How long till he an heroes?


its alot of work ok!

hmmmmm how bout he (nerd character) finally gives in and starts playing new crap and comes across all the shit games from concurrent genenerations of gaymin? theres still plenty to rage over since retro days lol

Hanging lights from the ceiling
Practicing for his world famous band Rex Viper
Reading about Atlantis
Drilling holes into 80's wood
Curating films

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What is going on?

Thank god.
AVGN hasn't been good in a very long time.

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It shows in the viewers.

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I'd rather eat ASS!

it was over before he made the fucking movie

I think he was sold down the river by Screenwave

>people still watch AVGN


He has a family to provide for so I doubt he'd an hero himself.

I binge the first seasons every now and again.
They are fucking great.

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Reminder about James Rolfe Any Forums

>Blew his donation money for the AVGN Movie to shoot it in Cali-fucking-fornia
>AVGN Movie ended up being a pile of wank
>Rolfe made the Mega Man Games episode as a cry for help regarding his mental state
>Screenwave got involved with AVGN and it slowly, but surely started sucking from there
>By 2019, it became obvious James was just doing AVGN for a paycheck and nothing else
>In August 2021, he released a damning "behind the scenes" video the CinemassacreTruth subreddit mocked him relentlessly over for months to come.
>Its been months since the lackluster 200th episode with no word on a new episode


How long until he familicides?

While avgn is a faggot, this ugly faggot has no right to criticize anything

His content and TGWTG have aged like milk. It's a cringefest attempting to watch the first few "seasons" of stuff

Have you ever considered you're a giant faggot?

never understood the popularity desu and I watched him when he was just starting out

he's gonna take you back to the past and play a shitty clipshow that sucks ass

>looks like a faggot
>bitches about a bunch of non issues
>talks like authority
>"oof" and other twitter speak
what a huge faggot

Newt Lives

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>Had to shoot in California
>Entire movie looks like it was filmed in (much cheaper) New Mexico due to all scenes taking place in [desert], [indoors] and [small Gilmore Girls style town]

Why does Any Forums want him to fail?

ITT: Cancel culture in action.

Make no mistake, my friends. James Rolfe is a victim of cancel culture.

>He's taking a break
Good. The guy has burnt through all his goodwill over the last four years of shitty content that sucks ass.

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Am I missing something? Is there drama going on with him