Rayman 1

>rayman 1
Let's design all characters in the game to have floating limbs so its easier to animate fluid movement.
>rayman 2
Well we can render 3d characters now but how do we adapt rayman to 3d like that?
Just make floating limbs only his thing.

Attached: MV5BMDgzN2JiYzktZDMzMC00MjUwLThmOWItMjhlODM1Yjg1M2Y1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjQ4ODE4MzQ@._V1_.jpg (1200x1200, 92.64K)

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Last night I dreamt that I met John Leguizamo and I told him I loved him as Globox in Rayman 3

rayman does not work in 3d. rayman 1, origins and legends are the only good ones

Say what you want about rayman 2, but I felt it was a perfect adventure game for kids. Its perfect balance between goofy world, and apocalyptic mysterious dark world. I replayed it as an adult, and only thing that really bothered me was how easy it was.

I think a 3D Rayman with modern engine would be kino

Origins and legends feel great to play especially as rayman but any other character feels off despite basically functioning the same. Rayman just works better withe free flowing movements

Origins is still the best Rayman game and one of the best platformers ever made

Technical limitation breeds innovation

>rayman does not work in 3d
Stay made. 3D Rayman > 3D Mario >>> 3D Sonic
I say this for what they do for me, not purely on potential.

>I'll see you in Rayman 4

Origins really is better than Legends

>Michel Ancel ditched gaming to take care of monkeys instead
Man it sure sounds like working under Ubisoft must be a paradise

Rayman is better with gibberish voices.

Rayman 2 was not only the best in the series, it's one of the best 3D platformers ever.

Rayman 1 is the only good game. The rest are literal unplayable fucking garbage.

the humor in rayman 3 wouldn't have worked if you had to read a textbox for every line

It helps that Origins is not just a level pack. Legends is great, but Origins is better.

It already doesn't work, the insufferable voice acting only makes it worse

Perhaps I'm wrong, but without Ancel there will be way less of a push for new Rayman games. Origins and Legends began when Ubi Montpellier was working on that UbiArt engine, and Ancel had the idea to use it to use that engine for a new Rayman game. I hope Montpellier can deliver some good shit without him but I wouldn't bet on it

I thought globox and andre were really funny


I wish we could see her in 3D

Attached: c1b5e21f9ed325201a5bd85c7802a14e.jpg (1280x1475, 123.05K)

he will eat your soul with his death inducing glare

Attached: file.png (168x98, 28.01K)

haha, I love when murphy talks about spider-man 2, it doesn't take me out of the world at all

Rayman 2 is the most soulful game I have ever played and I will never stop seething about there being no direct sequel to it or at least something similar in tone and style.
It's been 23 years and I am still waiting and I will die and never see this universe continue. This gives me grief. I think if a new game that continued the Rayman 2 universe came out, I would be able to just lie down and die in good conscience. It would be a beautiful bookending for a life that would mirror my childhood.

If you're trying to "escape" in video games you're mentally ill.

if only the OG rayman 4 happened you'd likely killed yourself because it was "all inside a video game".