You didn't actually beat the game unless you

You didn't actually beat the game unless you
>picked vagabond (the default class)
>Used the sword + shield (default weapon) and never swapped
>refused to use any summon
>used the horse when fighting an enemy that wasnt on a horse
>used any weapon art other than the one that comes on your sword and shield
simple as

Attached: file.png (3840x2160, 1.54M)

I didn't beat the game because I don't play shitty reddit game lmao gottem fpbp

>you didn't beat game unless [autistic arbitrary speedtrooner ruleset]

Attached: 369.png (883x1400, 546.5K)

>used any weapon art
You didn't actually beat the game.

Reminder that if you changed the game in any way from the default experience you didnt actually beat the game. That includes changing the options and controls
>but I dont like the default!
The default experience is the way the game was intended to be played. Some random neckbeard does not know better than the people who spent hundreds of hours making the game.

You forgot which way round you were writing these halfway through, user


surely this meme won't get stale

Sl1 no upgrades is the intended experience.

>the developer added the biggest arsenal in souls history
>b-but you can't use it because it's... LE BAD!
Don't have time to be hitting enemies in Caelid for an hour.

repeat [thing stated in OP]
you did not beat the game

If I beat the game, I beat the game. I'm not going by someone elses guidelines.


How can I play Dark Souls I on a laptop? I want to get into the Souls series but never had the chance

Based also currently lvl 60ish and never switched from the vagabond starter sword and shield and I only rock the Knight Armor or Blaidds armor with high STR and vigor and medium dex/endurance with zero point in any magic.

You didn't beat the game if your run wasn't deathless.

which boss is waiting for me after these guys?

Attached: 20220313102718_1.jpg (1920x1080, 625.16K)

I just finished Elden Ring with cheats like infinite health and one hit kills for the whole way through.

So yes, I did beat the game.

Me. I'm a big boss for you.
my attacks:
>plane crash (AOE)
>fire rises (big fire sprouts from the ground)
>no one cared who i was until i put on the mask (i put on my mask and noxious gas seeps out, poisoning you if you get close enough)
When I get to half health I enter phase 2 where I summon Dr. Pavel and CIA

you didn't beat the game unless you
>cut off your hands and used just your handless nub arms
>poured bleach in your eyes and relied on sound alone
>used summons
>blew up a vacation bible school and finneshed the game before police got to you

piece of shit knight that will constantly spam magic missiles at you so that you can never exploit any openings ever

You only cheated yourself, user.

>picking the OP class
>beating the game

Yeah nah, Wretch or bust, cheater.