Now that the dust is settled which is the best soulsborbe boss?

now that the dust is settled which is the best soulsborbe boss?

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Gascoigne or Genichiro. Maybe demon prince too.

presentation goes to ludwig

Is there an Elden Ring edit of this as well?

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Godskin Duo

Attached: Godskin Duo attack and roll animation.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

Godfrey phase 1

In terms of being fun to fight AND difficult Orphan Of Kos and Ashina Isshin are the GOAT.

Maria gets a mention cause she's incredibly fun until you learn to parry her at which point she becomes disappointing because the fight is incredible the first time then piss easy in subsequent runs, even after long breaks.

Ludwig is the most kino.

I like Gehrman, Ornstein and Smoug, Maiden Astraea, Queelag, Lady Maria and Twin Princes.

Absolutely patrician desu.

forgot Ashina Isshin and Lady Butterfly

oh boy, of the 100s of legit complaints about the game, lets pick the obvious bug to spam to prove our point that Horizon was the better game.

god you fags are inssuferable

I wanna fuck Kobeni

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God, I wish that was me.

My top 3 are sword saint isshin, Ludwig and midir. If we’re talkin elden ring, so far it’s mohg lord of blood, closely followed by fire giant. Margit is a great early fight and malenia was cool too but that bullshit anime slash move pissed me off one too many times.

>Lady Butterfly

Attached: Lady Butterfly.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

surely you mean sword saint

Based. Kobenis date was the best chapter in the series

I only played dark souls 1 but my favorite boss was probably either the big dragon thing down at the bottom of the sewers or the demon you fight when you fall through the floor when you return to the asylum, a fight I almost missed because I thought I was wrong about the tower being climbable because those incompetent morons had it set up so jumping didn't work and you had to roll

the worst boss was by far the giant lava guy, a couple other bosses were a bit bullshit but he was just straight up unfun

Attached: Ceaseless Discharge.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Malenia is the best SoulsenRing boss by far.

>Gascoigne or Genichiro

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Attached: Elden Ring Malenia Dark Moon kill.webm (852x480, 2.95M)


Kapra Demon

>mimic tear
every boss in every souls game can be cheesed. whats your point retard?