What are some puzzle games

what are some puzzle games

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Genshin impact

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I don't have UNO

Its 4,
Please dont tell me you are a retarded.

Is it 1?

This has to be a joke, there is no way you got 16

Answer is 1

>mfw common core math

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I'm getting 3.
The fuck is happening here.

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This is why the rest of the world laughs at us. You guys cant really think this is 1?

It's 1
Also last puzzle game I played was Call of the Sea. Got pissed at one puzzle and never went back

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PEMDAS you fucking moron.

It's 16. How could it be 1? There is no division sign dividing the 4 and 4.
8/2 = 4
2+2 = 4
4*4 = 16

>it's a "Any Forums doesn't know the order of operations" episode

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>retards still don't get priority by juxtaposition
It's 1.


parens (2+2) = 4
multiplication 2(4) = 8
division 8 / 8 = 1

answer is 1

Division and Multiplication are the same mathematical function and happen in order left to right you mongoloid.

Parenthesis first mongoloid.

i remember something about first doing the math with the brackets but i havent done math since high school

I like this pic. I'm gonna save it.

>parenthesis first
>uses addition first anyways

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parens means 'solve the equation within the parens first'.

And you'd still get 16 you niggerbrain.
You fucking suck at math. KILL YOURSELF

mathfags btfo

8/2(2+2)= 1
Unlearn the PEMDAS crap and think about it logically

>multiplication denoted by juxtaposition (also known as implied multiplication) is interpreted as having higher precedence than division.


are there two types of math or how is this causing an arguement?

Sirs this problem has poor UX