Only 3 states have mask mandates anymore, nearly all of them lifted

>Only 3 states have mask mandates anymore, nearly all of them lifted
>Dev tells you to take your mask off now and get a gf
>Steamies seethe
Why are steam users like this?

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What kind of asshole tells you to stop doing something to protect yourself, regardless of the low risk?

I hate masks but making fun of us incels who are rejected by women on a daily basis is a low blow. I will not support this dev.

>to protect yourself

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Please kill yourself to protect others from your braindeath

It doesnt actually protect you at all whatsoever.
and in turn it severely damages children development and enriches china

Good goyim

Well I do love Chine

Um, sweaty, everything is political.

Attached: safe succ.jpg (451x572, 52K)

kek based
I hope this increases the white children mortality rate

feel bad for the dev. i didn't know there were so many retarded niggers on Steam. when this shit happened to Factorio they ended up with more positive than negative reviews, but I guess this game is smaller so there's less people to defend it and only the most faggoty steam users would be incited to review bomb it from a shitty PC Gamer article.

This seems kinda sudden, they've been crusading for masks for 2+ years

>orange juice

What grown adult drinks oj? Literally pure sugar. Disgusting.

Sounds like a coping redpillled faggot

Patch notes are not the place for social commentary.

>Be giga vaxxed
>Don't wear mask

I am a radical centrist

You're not kidding. That shit has 52 grams I think it's more than coca cola, how the fuck is that even possible?

I work six days a week.

>not vaxxed
>wear mask to hide my ugly face

The reality is that no one likes a loud faggot who thinks himself smart for being a contrarian. This is also the reason a lot of you don't have friends.

>just turn off your anti-virus bro

>400k Americans died during 6 years of WW2? That's a big deal
>116,516 died during 4 years of WW1? That's a big deal
>58k died during 20 years of Vietnam? That's a big deal
>36,516 died after 3 years in the Korean War? That's a big deal
>22k get murdered a year? That's a big deal
>4424 died from 8 years of the Iraq War? That's a big deal
>2297 died from 9/11? That's a big deal
>2403 died from Pearl Harbor? That's a big deal
>2,216 died from 19 years of the War in Afghanistan? That's a big deal
>Just under 2k died during Hurricane Katrina? That's a big deal
>60 died from Las Vegas shooting? That's a big deal
>52 Americans held hostage during the Iran Hostage Crisis? That's a big deal
>33 died from Virginia Tech? That's a big deal
>30 died from riots? That's a big deal
>15 died from Columbine? That's a big deal
>4 died from Benghazi? That's a huge heckin' deal, Hillary is a criminal
>3 died from the J&J vaccines? That's it, you can't trust the vaccine
>Alec Baldwin shot someone by accident? That’s a huge deal, better make a trillion threads about it
>Antifa vandalized some property? That's a huge deal, everyone PANIC
>500k died from the coronavirus in ONE year? Lol who cares
So why does Any Forums obsess over "black crime statistics" yet downplay COVID, when the homicide rate in America is 5 per 100k, averaging to 15k deaths a year, while the COVID mortality rate is 200 per 100k and killed over 500k Americans in one year? Why do they say "lol only 1%" when it comes to COVID when homicides don't even kill .01% of the population each year?

Also, why does Any Forums call the COVID death statistics fake because they’re from the government but the FBI crime statistics 100% real when they’re also from the government? Why is the FBI to be trusted when it comes to black crime statistics, but when the FBI says that right wing terrorism is the greatest threat to America, actually, they can't be trusted?

based but also cringe.

I like wearing a mask because I'm ugly...
I don't mind what he wrote though and I don't care what other people do.

The same men who are anti-mask are the same ones who believe in no fap, pickup artistry, beta/alphas, etc.

It’s hard to imagine men are like this, but there’s an entire population of ill adjusted men mad at the world because they don’t have a social life. It’s scary.

>>Only 3 states
Cunt, not everyone lives in clapistan you fat fuck

Fuck you, I will remain a virgin. You unvirgin normalfags cannot stop me on my path to wizardry.

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Why does Any Forums insist the COVID deaths are all people *with* COVID when that doesn’t explain the hundreds of thousands of excess deaths the year of the pandemic? Why is it when you remove deaths associated or labelled as COVID deaths, the overall death count begins to match and correlate with what we'd normally expect in a given year?

Why did Any Forums unironically try to argue that COVID was no big deal because it *only* had a 1% mortality rate when that would’ve resulted in 3 million deaths if the government did nothing?

Why does Any Forums insist the vaccine is dangerous when over 4 billion people have been vaccinated well over a year since the vaccines were available yet you don’t hear of mass deaths from the vaccine?

Why does Any Forums insist there is a “global” conspiracy surrounding COVID when that doesn’t explain how some countries handled COVID well with fewer deaths and other countries ended up handling it worse with more deaths? If there is a global conspiracy why did did some countries end up fine and others ended up doing worse?

If there was a national conspiracy in the US why did some states end up fine and others worse? Why did some states start off bad but then end up fine, and vice versa?

Why does Any Forums pretend "lol who cares, they're all old" is somehow a good argument when the parents and family members of most people who browse Any Forums (and aren't underage) are likely older or in the high risk category for COVID?

Why does Any Forums pretend to care about "rights" when talking about the shutdowns and then suddenly try to argue that older people somehow have less of a right to live than anyone else?

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Enjoying your freedom, American? Are you happy that you're too tired to revolt and too dependent on your job to fight back for change?

>this faggot things a super market is a good place to pick up girls
He is a completely awkward retard the kind you'd find here.

These people are pathetic.