How do i play without extreme anxiety...

how do i play without extreme anxiety? I want to have a nice time but i always end up on the other side of the room too scared to talk to anyone

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What is even the appeal of talking to strangers?

play singleplayer games like God intended. alternatively, realize they are just a bunch of trannies and autists and would be scared like you if not for their expensive gear and avatars.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A FUCKING FAGGOT oooOooOh my heckin social anxietirino!!!!! KYS

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shut the fuck up and kill yourself retard no one wants to read your """""anxiety""""" blog

Tell me you're a friendless shut-in without telling me you're a friendless shut-in.

>turn on private mode and explore all of the worlds without having to deal with screaming children
comfy as fuck

LMAOOO this guy's such a fucking pushover that he can't even talk to people in the virtual world



>get vr headset
>look up girls skirts and press your face into their tits
>call them whores and start arguments with everyone

What is the downside?

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You should be anxious about playing child grooming simulators. Take that as a sign you shouldn't be playing it.

OP here. I'm fine talking to strangers when i go the store and shit but idk what it is about this game. Everyone has their social circles and i have always done shit on my own. I wasn't looking for a pity party, trying to figure out how to make conversation without le elden ring right?

Almost no one on it is worth talking to anyway.

I don't know what to tell you. If you aren't into the popular thing, it's hard to start conversations with strangers.

Just become one of those text to speech weirdos I mean cuties

yeah i know what you're saying. I used to go to metal shows and talk to people about bands and shit but since covid hit, lost all my friends, shows dont happen anymore. I got nothing to say about anything and no one has any reason to come up and talk to me.
its fuckin weird

Get drunk

cant drink, makes me violently sick

smoke weed

I'm pretty sure if you log into this over the age of 16 you'll be put on an FBI watchlist.

I dunno then, do whatever loosens you up and makes you social. Maybe weed but it just makes me sleepy

Allow yourself to acclimate to the situation before talking. You don't need to push all your boundaries at once, or talk the first time you go.

I installed this game and never played it. I want to ,but also I dont want to talk to kids and idk how to avoid them

honestly if you absolutely can't figure out anything to talk about, just comment on the other person's avatar. you could also have an interesting/funny avatar to help use to break the ice/ease the tension

Do it anyway in VR and use your sickness to become the center of attention for saviorfags/groomers