Can't get into Monster Hunter

>Can't get into Monster Hunter
>Can't get into Fire Emblem

Why? I enjoy JRPG'S and Souls like games, yet I can't get into these franchises

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You are not an autistic fuck, that's why.

MonHun is ten times harder than any Souls game
Fire Emblem had permadeath and roleplayers seem to hate that, maybe try the newer ones

I love May Sakaali

Also Fire Emblem was better when it was 2D and sprite-based

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Nah, monster hunter gives you plenty more tools to deal with the monsters than souls games. In souls it's "learn the patterns until you can shit them out backwards". In Monster Hunter you can legitimately just react to things the monster's doing and not need to worry about having a master's degree in all of its animations.

No point in forcing it, if it ain't your cup of tea then it ain't your cup of tea.

Man I would love to wear that outfit. It looks so cute and fun.

You will never wear an outfit as cute as that.

>Fire Emblem
idk I couldn't get into either after a couple tries. I did enjoy Echoes though because it seemed a little bit more wild than Awakening, or the GBA entries. Maybe I should try FF tactics or Disgea. My thing is though I'm not a big fan of chess, and actually I suck at it. I've been told its the story that makes fire emblem but idk I don't really buy it. Maybe I'm just burnt out on Bow and Arrow, Sword and Shield medieval type dragon stories.
Monster Hunter was my shit though. it was the autistic awakening I never knew I had in me. Took me a couple attempts though but I think the best way to go about it is to try every single weapon, or youtube the weapon you think you'll like.

MHW is too easy until Iceborne so you got bored.

Fire Emblem is very dry. If you're not into strict fantasy settings, it can be hard to get engaged. Also, even among SRPGs, it has some unique traits that you are either into or not.

he is, he posts this whore multiple times each day. If that's not autism, then I don't know what is

>You will never wear an outfit as cute as that.

I can try.

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Monster Hunter are for people that enjoy beating on walking pinatas for 2 hours for a 5% drop. It's like playing a more interactive MMO.

Fire Emblem is unironically really hard if you try to play fair. Even easy FEs like Sacred Stones can filter people until you realize those games gives you a powerhouse to abuse from start to finish at the very first level.

Monster Hunter is to Japan what Call of Duty is to the west

That being said it's fun

Can get into dat ass

If you like knock-off Japanese pussy (hecho en Mexico)

Kys, troon

>talks about Japanese RPG's
>posts disgusting racemixed spic

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In monster hunter you roll in the direction of the monsters stomach and hit it and it can't touch you most of the time, it's stupidly easy. Most people waste too much time pretending there's a strategy in Monhun but in reality that just gives the monster more chances to drop your health, mindlessly bashing into the monster and popping health pots is easier than actually thinking about how to fight it, the quicker it dies, the easier.

>t never played greatsword

MH bosses are much better than most bosses in Souls but if you don't care about the game just being a boss rush I can get why you might not like it
Fire Emblem is a shit SRPG series