Fromdrones in shambles

Fromdrones in shambles

Attached: fp9uh35x5zm81.jpg (2000x2000, 1.86M)

>Breath of the Wild isn't even in the Top 5 best Zelda games
>The Witcher 3 is worse than The Witcher 2 by miles
>Elden Ring is the second worst Soulslike
>Fallout: New Vegas ain't shit compared to Fallout 1 and 2
>Metal Gear Solid V ain't shit compared to MGS 1 and 3.
>Absolute garbage like Red Dead Redemption 2, any of the Elder Scrolls games (And there's definitely better in that shit series than Skyrim anyways), Horizon and Spider-Man
Open world has done more harm to the average video game's quality than micro-transactions and SJWs combined

was the goal to not include any games above a 5/10? fucking hell, what a pile of utter shite

wheres genshit?

>Fallout: New Vegas ain't shit compared to Fallout 1 and 2
Opinion dropped

Utterly baffling list, not just because it's hard to define what an open world game is (is Link to the Past open world? Mario 64?) but because they added shit like Horizon and Spider-Man Miles Morales. Not even the actual Spider-Man video game, but the 4 hour DLC pack for that game that was sold separately.

I don't know what this is supposed to be a list of, but FNV is the only good game on it.

How does it keep winning?

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>im le contrarian therefore i'm... interesting!

>I'm a fucking retard with shit taste and no argument
a bold position, user. I'm sure first poster is tremendously hurt by your knuckle dragging IQ statement.

I love tons of beloved games. Just not open world garbage. Trash genre.

No you don't, name 10.

We already had this thread

I decided to try to name as many recent games as possible, to try to avoid criticisms of nostalgia.

Dead Cells
Devil May Cry 5
Disco Elysium
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Psychonauts 2
Spelunky 2
Tetris Effect
Yakuza 0

Nigger, everyone hates this games, take your trash somewhere else.

You can tell that someone hasn't played Fallout 1 and 2 by them saying "it's better than new vegas hurdur". Fallout 1 is barely a game

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>meme of the wild
Instantly shit. You can tell this list was made by 5 people, all of which only played 2 games on it with those 2 being the only games they ever played.

this guy smokes cock

>Psychonauts 2

what a heaping pile of dogshit game. opinion discarded

You're a fucking retard, fallout is an isometric RPG not a fucking FPS looter shooter. New Vegas might be better than Fallout 3 but it's still a piece of shit compared to actual fallout games that aren't on the garbage known as gamebryo. i don't have that "a comedian, huh? Fuck off, I have no time for your inane faggotry" image in a form that Any Forums accepts because apparently webp is not acceptable, but just pretend I posted that, because you're a faggot.

Attached: fallout stallone.gif (745x1800, 616.71K)

Mad discord cunt

>Dead Cells
1-hour game that you're supposed to endlessly repeat despite combat being extremely samey throughout. Yawn.
>Devil May Cry 5
Juggling simulator where nothing fights back.
>Disco Elysium
le DEEP indie game that is as fun to play as filing paperwork.
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
Boomer bullshit cinematic garbage that was babby's first DEEP story game.
Another "roguelike" yawnfest that you're supposed to endlessly grind.
>Psychonauts 2
More cinematic garbage by retard that made one game some people loved and let it get to his head.
PREPARE 2 DIE XD. So hardcore, I love playing games where the only thing you do is fight in order to level up and get items just to fight some more! Really engaging!
>Spelunky 2
baby game.
>Tetris Effect
>Yakuza 0
le ebin action jrpg. so wacky and zaney!

Pro-tip: anyone can shit talk a genre or a game. You are not special.

Ok, but you don't believe what you're typing and are just butthurt, whereas I actually believe it and have good arguments for why open world trash sucks.

Yet I'm busy playing ER, and neither of those other titles, only regrettably having purchased one of them (BOTW).

based as fuck

Lay down some arguments then, smart guy.

>not better than 1 or 2
coping nintentranny

Open world games destroy content density and add too much padding to try to fill their unreasonably large worlds for the sake of muh atmosphere. It's the opposite of what video games should be.

What do you consider padding and what should video games be?

>looneytroon list

Breath of the Wild is a good gsme on its own right but it isn't even the best Zelda game.
The Witcher 3 is horribly overrated.
GTA5 is good mechanically but the story is ass.
RDR2 is GTA without the bombastic setpieces thst make the garbage storytelling tolerable.
Elden Ring is eh.
Anything Fallout is rectal csncer in game form.
Skyrim isn't even from this decade.
Metal Gesr Boring sucks, make amother Rising faggots.
HFB? Haha, no.
Spidernig Kilometros Morales, much like the first one, is an inferior version of Sunset Overdrive.

opinion discarded

>No Xenoblade X or DE.
Shit list.

you keep asking questions but refuse to state your counter arguments.
I win.