My 360 controller batter pack is stuck how the hell do pry this open?

My 360 controller batter pack is stuck how the hell do pry this open?

Attached: 360.jpg (600x500, 28.48K)

You have to suck my dick and I'll maybe consider opening it for you.

You press the button at the top of the controller near the battery pack and kind of pull it back a bit.

Attached: 74-103-206-06.jpg (640x480, 19.36K)

that latch is weakass shit

Yes... it's completely stuck, will not budge.

Also pull up a bit on the sides. Maybe get a little bit of goo gone and give it a second.

Pull it back and you should see the tip of the head

Was thinking of putting something in there maybe free it up. Is there anything like that I can find in the house?
I'm using the force of 1000 gorillas and shit's not budging.

Move your hand up and down the shaft and see if that works

rubbing alcohol? Vinegar? nail polish remover?

how long has it been in the controller? if it's old enough the battery might be swelling to keep it stuck in there

I'm trying everything, posting here was a last resort wanted to see if anyones experienced this
I'll try alcohol
There's no battery in it I know not to store devices with a battery inside.

try dunking it in the toilet for about 3 seconds

lube it with some cum

>There's no battery in it I know not to store devices with a battery inside.
it's like the default plastic piece and not a rechargeable pack? just pry it out with a flathead

Try a screwdriver.

Yeah it's the OG 360 controller. I tried, can't get good leverage.

Kys newfag

What the hell are those brown sticks?

Put your finger at the base and hold it while your other hand works the head

thin metal shim on the top where it hooks in maybe?

will you show me?