Why are game covers never like album covers, book covers and film covers? They’re all shit, literally all of them

Why are game covers never like album covers, book covers and film covers? They’re all shit, literally all of them

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Because you only look at murican covers

Because you're unironically, American

because games don't have any artistic value yet

Games aren’t art

he says while posting the shittier version of one of his shittier album covers

Once upon a time, they used to be.

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They used to save the really abstract artsy shit for magazine ads.

Because you are a zoomer

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Look up retro Famicom covers and cartridges and manuals. You’d be surprised.

America took over.
There was a time before the 360 era where games had abstract artwork and in the case of 16bit and 8bit game they just didn't represent the artstyle at all.

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Games are for children

video games became the most profitable artistic medium overnight and EA/Microsoft/Ubisoft/etc is desperately trying to convince you that they're still nerd shit and don't matter so they can continue to abuse their customers, employees, really whoever they can.

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so is MBDTF

If anything those companies pander to people who aren't nerds which explains why they killed the industry and why they didn't make a good game in decades.

Because game covers are designed to appeal to the kind of people who still walk into Walmart to browse their game selection, aka children and adult men who think John Cena actually wrestles terrorists.

Nah dark fantasy is for white hipsters who think they're an authority on hip-hop because they listen to DOOM and Wu-Tang but they've never heard of Boogie Down Productions

I read that as Euroslut