It was very good

It was very good

Attached: marvel-s-spider-man-ps4-30.jpg (1530x1905, 457.51K)


yea it was good but i don't think it needs more sequels


its time

The only capeshit games that are ever good are the spiderman ones so its not surprising

I liked this game but there's no way it's as good as any Arkham game that isn't Origins.

Game is unironically a better story than all the shit spoder-man movies


Yeah it was, hope SM2 is even better and lets us play as Venom.

Not a high bar to be honest

>combat and stealth is just Bam Ham reskinned

where is everyone complaining about Elden Ring being Dark Souls reskinned?

>most of the suits are shit
>no options to customize suits, not even the color

It was generic as fuck. Like a committee of investors came in with a checklist of shit from every big game over the last 15 years and said "if you don't include these things then we're not giving you any money".
Not a single original or new idea was in this game. Generic skill tree, combat ripped off from batman games, mini games ripped off from bioshock, traversal ripped off from 20 year old spiderman games, open world from every ubishit game in existence etc

You cunts really need to play more video games and stop sucking low effort corporate cock. It's embarrassing and you're holding the medium back decades behind where it should be.

the only good spiderman game was spiderman on ps1

I haven't watched a Spider-man movie since the Raimi trilogy and I think I'm not missing anything

Shut the fuck up faggot, you can't even quote posts properly.


Enjoy your shit nu spidy movies zoom zoom

Pc version when

>combat ripped off from batman games
how new are you? batman didn't create the combat to begin with. spider-man is more mechanical than batman ever was.

I will