Fromsoftware fucked by cutting all the quests from elden ring

The quests of elden ring would have made the world feel far more alive than it currently is. The world is actually supposed to still have lots of life. For example in leyndell there were still people living. The guards that were there actually protected families that would give you quests. Specifically about wiping out omen in the sewers. All that got cut and because of that the world feels just like the world of dark souls. Of course all the shitbwith the drembrewer and the half finished quests are also all a problem but it's really an glaring problem how so much shit got left unimplemented in favor for making an gigantic snow area everyone thinks is a slog to play through. They should've made the map a bit smaller and focused on making the world they have feel more alive.

Attached: 20220311_191821.jpg (2250x3000, 575.4K)

It's Dark Souls 2, but bigger.

they very clearly ran out of development time
this game was an ambitious experiment though. interesting to see what they do with DLC and the next game

Miyazaki unfortunately came to the realization he didn't like GRRM's writing and just wanted to go back to his usual vague empty ass drab storytelling, so all of GRRM's stuff was relegated to half-finished backstories and motivations that don't quite make sense.

>Miyazaki unfortunately came to the realization he didn't like GRRM's writing

Probably because GRRM can't write a story without rape and incest occurring every 3 pages

This they only "ran out of development time" because they once again changed a shitton halfway through instead of thinking everything through. Originally they the lands between were called "riftlands" and that got far enough that lines were voiced that referenced the "riftlands". What happened? After deciding to name it riftlands, hiring actors to voice it etc., they fucking changed it to lands between. Any deeper meaning to it? does lands between have any significance? No. They just wasted time and resources. If they change the name of the continent you can bet that they've changed a lot of other things that begs one question though. WHY THE FUCK WAS THE NAME OF THE WORLD CHANGED IF GRRM WAS THE ONE WHO WAS WRITING IT??

>Miyazaki unfortunately came to the realization he didn't like GRRM's writing
What writing?
He shat out some background lore and immediately went back to procrastinating on his book.

I think the world feels a lot more functional and "alive" than the other games, it still has that apocalypse feel but feels like it takes place a hundred years after it rather than 10,000 as strange as that sounds.

It feels like the world is still collapsing rather than has already collapsed

Doesn't matter. All the praise and money elden Eing has got will heavily influence future Fromsoft games.
Can't wait for their next game to have even less quests/npcs and for all bosses to have 100 million attack combo with fire sperm backflips that one shot you from across the map.

Its not even that, the main problem is that these motherfuckers can't manage time and ALWAYS have to change everything in the last second


It’s definitely got ds2 levels of shit in the mini dungeons. My advice to a new player would be to completely ignore them all unless there’s something they really need there. Use some cheat engine to give yourself some armor as well since there’s fuck all actually lying about and you need to either grind like hell to get some or progress through most of the game.

This is exactly how I felt about a lot of this game

I thought they were originally gonna call it The Lands Betwixt and they decided that sounded too gay

Attached: Things Betwixt.png (1920x1088, 3.06M)

It feels unfinished, you can see it in things like that amateur hour jumping animation. And the lag cycle caused by the retarded shader loading they promised they'll fix. The camera was ass, too but there's a mod that fixes it now.

Post her feet

The DaS 2 devs must feel really vindicated now that they've made the most succesful soulsborne game ever

Attached: 1555356217959.webm (640x360, 2.14M)

So its the best game in the series?

yeah, if you're a contrarian you'll love it

I'm really disappointed because Ranni's questline is actually great, as it takes you all sorts of places, gives you great rewards and develops the story. Rogier's questline could have been great, as you could have uncovered more of the story of the game, but instead he only sends you to Ranni and then dies. I thought I would be something like a double agent, and what if you'd end up choosing between Rogier and Ranni's objectives? D could have had a whole unique questline that let you follow the path of the Golden Order Fundamentalist, but instead he dies so you can have a slightly different ending with Fia. When this happens, there's going to be 3-4 NPCs less in the Roundtable Hold, making it empty and giving you no reason to return other than to upgrade items. Finally, something I haven't seen people point out is that a large reason the late game is so disappointing is because there's literally no quests (or even NPCs) left. You simply realize "oh that's it" and then run through a gauntlet of bosses to wrap it up. There's no incentive to care at that point, and you just want to finish the game.

The worst part is that it's very rare for Japanese devs to revisit content they've already released, so don't expect any changes to existing quests or cut quests

tldr im going to make melina porn

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