This is your new KH world familio

>this is your new KH world familio

Attached: FMUU59rXEAUjnXQ.jpg (1075x806, 178K)

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Soul is actually a masterpiece compared to this flaming piece of hepatitis shit.

Is it really that bad? I was gonna watch it after ign gave it a 9.

New grubhub ad?


Still not buying from grubhub.

I've seen people on Any Forums saying it's just kind of okay. But, you know.
>Any Forums

video games

This looks disgusting, and why is the color scheme so gay?

Do women and young girls actually like these menstruation allegories

Soul was fine, there hasn't been a disney/Pixar movie better then a 5 since princess and the frog


Attached: 0B2C63CB-AA4D-46E0-A1F5-793281FFAC81.gif (480x480, 1.05M)

Is that Netflix move with Ryan Reynolds any better at least? Need something to watch.


i just saw the movie with my family and thought it was pretty alright, bigass mouth and teeth took a while to get used to however
definitely not something go out of my way to watch i'd watch if you're the one paying desu

Attached: bed of chaos.gif (320x240, 3.31M)

I'm sure the movie is fine, but that art style is just so generic nowadays due to literally EVERYONE drawing that way. It's not even an unappealing art style more than just boring and generic.

I thought it was just when she got angry. Are there actual periods in this or just a meme I keep seeing?

I was thinking about watching it but now that I know it's about periods I will not watch it

It's a Pixar flick. Rarely have they ever even gotten close to what could be called "cinema". It's a movie for kids, as well as adults to watch with their kids.

I am so tired of diversity and 3d animation

The audience is the adult cartoon enthusiast market, similar to things like Steven Universe

It's like they went through a checklist with the designs

How more obvious do they need to make the allegory

Nah she just gets the one period and she can transform

Gonna watch today. Cant be that bad can it?

it's barely an exaggeration, nobody actually has a period but the main girl's mom thought she did and made an absolute fool out of her daughter by bringing her tampons in front of the school
Hence, her meltdown into a bigass red panda being an allegory for puberty or something, even if she isn't quite there yet