Fuck Radahn, fuck fromsoft and fuck you

Fuck Radahn, fuck fromsoft and fuck you
Good thing I didn't buy this cancerous garbage

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git gud

No I am not getting good
I used cheat to beat him and uninstalled
Never touching this garbage ever again

wtf that giant vigor bar

cheat engine
even with 10k hp the meteor still one shots and the gravity attacks deal 25% dmg
this is the absolute state of fromcancer

nice soreseal retard

Sounds like you didn't git gud.

scarseal and makes no different
any attack two shots you with or without the seal

Not op but the extra damage is entirely negligible. Sorseal is the best talisman in the game.

>the instakill attack instakills you wtf
The actual troglodyte.

Have you tried not getting hit with the meteor? Try horse, you moron. If you're sprinting with the horse and moving away it will never hit you.
The absolute state of nu-Any Forums.

Are you fucking serious? I beat him on my second try. He's so fucking easy, man.

You know, you could also use the 8 (?) gold summon signs to get NPCs to fight alongside you. They all die to meteor but will still help you chunk the boss down to 30% HP before he even uses it.

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>I used cheat to beat him
I like how your participation trophy generation is completely incapable of the most basic shit.
You are so pathetic you had to resort to cheats instead of taking the high road of cope by cheesing him with tools given within the game.
Thank you for making me feel better about myself, you loser.

>attack deals always deals 100% of your HP
>somehow justified
nice one fromtranny

meteor is no problem, everything else is

summons are useless if you're melee

>participation trophy on a cracked game
you're not very bright

Thank you for more cope to laugh at.
Git gud.
I can't wait for videos of disabled people beating the game with a steering wheel.
Damn you're pathetic.

Drink bubble physik before he lands if you cant dodge it

How are they useless? I used as many as I could get on my first try and almost won that way. They made the fight so easy I decided not to use them on my second try and won anyway. They do some serious damage.

Meteor is painfully easy to dodge, even without a horse. You better believe its 100% health damage is justified. If it's no problem, why is that the thing you keep bitching about?

I've never used this phrase unironically before, but I do mean it this time. Git gud. If you were able to get to Radahn without cheating, you should have been able to beat him without cheating. He's not even the hardest boss leading up to him. I spent way longer on Fallingstar Beast, Crucible Knight, Margit, and Dragonbarrow's Bell Bearing Hunter

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I don't feel like repeating the process of drinking flask, buffing weapon, summoning, dodging the arrows everytime I made a slight mistake and hits me two times, so I don't and every run is worst than the last
First try I've got him half HP last tries I was getting killed in 2 seconds, I don't have the patience of this shit anymore

You're literally just admitting "I am too impatient to fight the boss"

I could keep trying and trying until I beat him like I did with every other from game
This time is not worth it, I don't like the fight and I am getting easily irritated, the enjoyingment of beating him will be a drop in the ocean of suffering I'll have to put myself through
Maybe is the game, maybe it's me but I am done, I erased every trace of this game from my pc

Cool, nobody cares then. Unironically kill yourself.

You are in my thread replying to my post so you care.
Beating a game will never fill your empty life.
Nobody loves you, get cancer and die nigger