I hate this game, so why can't I stop playing it?

I hate this game, so why can't I stop playing it?

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what do you hate about it

It's a create your own adventure book with no structure

So what's the lore of not being able to use Torrent in the FUCKING LAKE OF ROT

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I have to memorize every enemy separately because of this shit, and I have to memorize the 32 different combinations that they can chain combo into

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I hate that it has no markers and the UI is terrible,no cities whatsoever,am i meant to just raom arround and happen to stumble into the fucking main story? why have two fucking sections to see equipment?I'm following a guide to get good weapons early on and make the game more fair

because you've got nothing else to do at the moment in that gaping void you call a life, user
just like me

Everywhere I've gone I've seen damage sponges

Fromshills will say the empty world is okay because it's a souls game then ignore how good linearity makes them

dunno, I also don't like the game and stopped playing a week ago in liurnia

sunk cost


Yea... Because of this many attacks feel like they cannot be reacted to. Instead you just need to know when it's gonna happen. Feels like another cheap way to pad the game and make it feel hard. Once you learn the timing it's no problem.

I didn't pay for it

Well using mount to avoid status effects is lame as hell anyway.

lack of options. Go play Gothic 2 or something instead if you haven't.

So artificial difficulty?

you're a cuck. might as well get tyrone on speed dial

Because you're a NEET and have nothing else to do.
Also because of the lack of modern games, so theres nothing else to do

I like the game a lot. AMA

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What the fuck is artificial difficulty? I am not even there yet but so far I've been to one scarlet rot zone and it felt really dumb for me to be able to just horse through it. Like why is it even there if it is not going to do anything. Also the first swamp is not even real swamp. It doesn't poison. No real difficulty or meaning, just padded content.

you payed for it with your time

>What the fuck is artificial difficulty
It's artificial difficulty if you can't use the horse for literally no reason. Does the game even try to justify it?
>it's dumb
Why? The horse exists to facilitate travel
>Like why is it even there
Obligatory Miyazaki swamp

I could understand if it were an actual deep body of water but it's just a puddle

But games are all about "artificial" planned out challenges.